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Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Great Awakening Of U.S. Soldiers


  1. These are the COLLEGE kids that only signed up at the time for college credits then when we went to war they didn't like going overseas to ACTUALLY fight for there country, treason treason treason.

  2. there's that treason word again.

  3. Unfortunate but 5:22 is correct.

  4. 5:22, my nephew felt the same way as these soldiers. He did not join for the "college perks." He is not using any of the benefits available to him.

    I support our troops, but I don't believe the wars we fight today are anything like the noble cause of World War II. I believe these young people are right that so much of what goes on now is the military-industrial complex Ike Eisenhower warned us about.

    There is nothing treasonous about dissent. Our Founding Fathers wanted it guaranteed. I wonder how many of you are the same people who post here about the government taking away our guns (including mine). Think about it.

  5. Ignorant chicken hawks that won't read history and are unable to reason holler treason instead of acknowledging unnecessary war crimes

  6. chicken hawks? seriously? I had a conversation with a marine major once in my unit. When I explained I felt uncomfortable with the things our government was doing to the local populace and made a statement that we were no better then the evil perpetrators we are supposed to be stopping. He said ah but you fail to realize they do all these rotten things for all the wrong reasons, where we do all these rotten things for all the right reasons! Hence I took my honorable and found a better career!
    Semper Fi!
    F our government, how many senator's sons are dieing over there? huh? total bs what's going on! obummer aint changing shit either!

  7. Just what exactly do you think is treason?

    Tell me what YOU think is treason, not some dictionary definition.

    I'd really like to hear your definition.

  8. Bunch of cry babies.

  9. Alice....you have been brainwashed and now its time for you to start chanting "USA USA USA!!!"...We did NOTHING in Iraq except destroy everything in sight AND made sure the AMERICAN producers of bombs and bullets got EXTREMELY rich. And 5:22 --- you think all those Marines joined for college credits(!!) and never thought they would go to war? War, in this instance, being a huge misnomer. Presidents and Congressman don't do "war". They do "conflicts" and "operations". And OUR kids come home without eyes and other body parts. THEIR kids go to Harvard and inherit the arms industry. Wake the hell up and DO NOT call soldiers telling the TRUTH treasonous. Have YOU EVER been shot at? Served in the military? Sacrificed anything other than some stock options? Treason, my ass. YOU probably would have turned John Adams over to the British, you sickening worm.

  10. 448 I bet your kid was a college kid that didn't sign up for the war awww well.

  11. Can someone please tell me why these X veterans signed up to fight for there country what where they thinking? 3 meals a day and a nice stroll in the park, give me a break.


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