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Thursday, January 03, 2013

The following open letter, written by U.S. Marine Joshua Boston and headlined “No ma’am.,” was posted in the CNN iReport on Dec. 27 with the included note from the producer and photo. It has struck a nerve with many and is being circulated around social media venues like Twitter and Facebook.
CNN PRODUCER NOTE: joshdb50 was a Marine and was deployed to Afghanistan between the years of 2004 through 2005. Although he is no longer in the military he acknowledges that he owns gun. He says he does not believe the government needs to know what guns he owns because he believes registration would lead to confiscation. He says the laws that are in place for gun control are plenty, and adding more laws will remove a means of defense for people. ‘I own the guns I own because I acknowledge mankind’s shortcomings instead of pretending like they don’t exist. There are evil men in this world and there just may be a time when I need to do the unthinkable to protect me or my family,’ he said.
- Jareen, CNN iReport producer

Senator Dianne Feinstein,

I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.

I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America.

I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.

I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.

We, the people, deserve better than you.

Respectfully Submitted,
Joshua Boston
Cpl, United States Marine Corps



  1. 60 million people have his back.

  2. My exact feelings. There are a Hell of a bunch of ex or retired military guys, and women who will not stand for this. I laid my life on the line for two years to protect freedom in this country and I'll do it again.

  3. Ban all assualt, automatic and semi automatic weapons NOW. Stop the insanity, act like adults.

  4. Like it or not either servitude or war is coming. These threats against our freedom are the very reason the 2nd amendment was put in place. The 2nd amendment was to prevent tyranny. Once we are disarmed they can impose whatever they want upon us and we will be able to do little to stop it.

  5. 9:28, ban Nothing. this government does Not have your back ! do you understand that All people are Not good people ? do you understand that All people Don't act like adults ??? what about this don't you understand ??? if you will stop running and acting on your sissy emotions and do some hard research; you will see that the areas of the country where citizens are encouraged to own and carry guns, the crime rate is extremely low. do you understand that ? the country of sweden reversed their policy and now want their citizens to have a gun in Every home; the crime rate is virtually none.

    before you speak or comment again please do your homework and get your facts straight. an educated populous is what is needed and we are sure lacking in this country.

  6. you 9:28, are a fool and you deserve what you'll get if all of our defenses are taken away!

  7. 9:28 I am an adult and not insane.I am also ex military and proud of my service to my Country, family and friends. But perhaps I may be able to help you by suggesting a couple of reputable doctors that specialize in mental health, because you surely need help.

  8. Good job corporal, you're saying that you will not obey the same same laws that your swore to protect "...and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations..."

    On a side note, being in the service for 8 years, shouldn't Cpl Boston be someone above an E4?

  9. Good point Alex, guess by his standards anyone who ever took a physical for military service is an expert on national security.

  10. I don't know anymore --- there ARE enough people who truly believe our government -ANY government- is, and always will be, benevolent and exist ONLY for the benefit and will of the people, with only their best interests in mind. Because, you know, its ALWAYS been that way throughout recorded history, right? It would NEVER be for the preservation of their OWN power and control and subsequent suppression of contrary ideas. These people MAY be able to PASS a ban on weapons (of EVERY kind, sooner or later, by mere logical progression). Enforcing it will be the problem. Chaos wouldn't even BEGIN to describe the environment under which that situation would unfold. Revolution would, though....

  11. 9 28 the only thing that should be banned is you

  12. 11:00 AM

    They are required to obey LAWFUL ORDERS.

  13. Alex shouldnt you be on both knees when addressing the president

  14. 11:44 so it's you that declare them unlawful? And don't give me second amendment BS spill, because it does not mention assault weapons. Plus no one still can give a reason for owning assault rifles.

    12:20, no you should not, but when you take the Oath, you follow orders. ( i do realize that the guy is no longer in the Marines) From personal pespective, when I was in the service, I knew from day one that the war in Iraq was pointless and stupid and that Bush was a moron. Yet when my orders came I shut my mouth, mobilized and did my job no matter how I felt about the whole thing.

  15. 9:28, the first one, wants to ban these weapons because he KNOWS that when someone breaks into his apartment and starts beating up his boyfriend that the police will instantaneously appear (like a State Farm agent, only with GUNS!!) and talk the attacker down. Scratching and clawing doesn't usually have much effect in a home invasion.

  16. Alex the only reason I need to own any rifle is because I'm an American and it's my RIGHT.

  17. What alex MEANT was "No one can give me a reason that I approve of..."

  18. Military oath. "I will protect the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies, both foreign and domestic". So if the military leaders of America agree that Obama is the enemy of the Constitution, then, by law, they will turn on him. At this point, there are very few military leaders all gung-ho for Obama. Remember how much credit he gave the Navy Seals. Not much. It was I did this and I did that, and under my direction,and my decision alone, etc.

  19. Alex how do you chose to protect your loved ones? And why do you feel only certain people should have the right to protect themselves.

  20. 1:10 by the same logic, should Americans be allowed to own rocket launchers, bombs, or chemical weapons? Also, if you only own your weapon because it's your right, that seems like a waste of money to me since you have no functional need for it.

    1:21 I meand no one can give a logical reason for owning an assault rifle.

    2:34 I have nothing against guns, I own a handgun. I just see no reason for anyone outside leos and military to posses an AK or M16

  21. I agree with Alex! He makes several good points. There is no good reason for people to own AKs or M16s. Too many people in our country are dying because of these unnecessary weapons. We, as a country, need to think with our brains instead of with selfish greed.

  22. Alex what's the difference between a AR and a mini 14?

  23. 11:44 so it's you that declare them unlawful? And don't give me second amendment BS spill, because it does not mention assault weapons. Plus no one still can give a reason for owning assault rifles.

    That is correct. Who else would decide? The one giving the unlawful orders?

    I don't know what you mean by 2nd amendment bullshit SPIEL. Most people, or should I say, most NORMAL people don't think it is bullshit.

    The reason for owning any weapon is because one WANTS TO OWN ONE.

    You seem to be just another brainwashed imbecile. Frankly I don't think you should own a firearm. You seem to be a danger to yourself and others. Officers, confiscate his weapon.

    And you haven't declared any valid reason to own a firearm, so you don't need or deserve one.

    Someone said whatever you can hold in your hands is covered by the 2nd amendment. So I guess that would answer your other asinine question.

    Let me ask you a question, are you really this stupid or you just being a trolling stirring up crap? I think you take pleasure in being the odd ball out. Narcissistic maybe?

  24. Alex: Get your cranium out of your A55! The military swears to an oath, to defend the United States of American from enemies foreign and domestic. Also I'll own what ever damn guns I want to, so I can protect my family from Idiots LIKE YOU. And read the constitution and the bill of rights when you get a chance. I'm proud to be an american and Idiots like you are ruining the U.S. by telling me what I can an can't do. Are you trying to govern what I have? It's none of the Governments business to know what I own, only me. So before you go rambling that AR-15's and guns need to be banned, think of this perspective and ponder on it for a while. What would you do if someone tries to hurt your family with a firearm? Go at them with a bat? Come on now be logical, not liberally stupid. Oh yeah you all ready proved that.


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