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Friday, January 04, 2013

The Enemy Within: Soldier Suicides Outpaced Combat Deaths In 2012

More soldiers took their own lives than died in combat during 2012, new Department of Defense figures show. The Army's suicide rate has climbed by 9 percent since the military branch launched its suicide-prevention campaign in 2009.

Through November, 177 active-duty soldiers had committed suicide compared to 165 during all of 2011 and 156 in 2010. In all of 2012, 176 soldiers were killed in action -- all while serving in Operation Enduring Freedom, according to DOD.

Army suicides have increased by at least 54 percent since 2007 when there were 115 — a number the Washington Post then called "an all-time record." An Army spokesman said Wednesday it is uncertain if 177 marks a new annual high (with December numbers still to come), or if suicides have ever outpaced combat deaths in a single year, because the Army has not always tracked suicides.



  1. Where are all the coward comments now? Where are the "he could've gotten help" bs now?

    Little different story now isn't it sports fans?

  2. When are they going to go after the crimminal big pharma all these anti depressant n the sides are becoming apparent

  3. When volunteers for defending our country are putting themselves into training in boot camp and send themselves off to "Defend" our freedom, but on arrival are asked to call in drone attacks that may kill a person who is actively working to plan attacks against our country and his/ her family and friends in an undeclared war in another country that does not want our "help" and is witness to these attacks constantly when they imagined they were there for a COMPLETELY different reason... Well I hope SOMEONE can get my drift here.

    These guys are being asked to accomplish acts never imagined and are having problems with Obama's requests.

  4. 10pm ?? Oh thats right the volunters signed up for the club med war ..

  5. 10pm ?? Oh thats right the volunters signed up for the club med war ..

    January 5, 2013 12:17 AM

    I knew there would be at least one ass.


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