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Saturday, January 05, 2013

Texas Gun Owner Map Representation

Check out the above photo of a map of the state of Texas where the orange dots represent gun owners...


  1. Thank you! This should be true for EVERY state! I hope it is, and I know it's true for my house!

    However, if you happen to be in an "orange dot" state, you should really consider becoming one.

    Of course, the New York map is only one of LEGALLY OWNED handguns, not the ones like I have that I bought privately. Nor does it address the stolen gun owners, or the private sale owners. So, really, the New York map serves NO public service. It only targets a great place for thieves to target for theft!

    How Dumbass can one company get?

  2. beautiful map, beautiful state...

  3. I have a friend who lives in Texas; and I am sure she feels safer than me because of this!


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