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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Teacher Stomps on American Flag inside Classroom

A South Carolina school district has launched an investigation into a high school teacher who allegedly threw an American flag on the floor and stomped on it as a classroom full of students watched.

Mark Bounds, a spokesman for the Lexington –Richland5 School District, confirmed to Fox News that an English teacher at Chapin High School was placed on leave as they investigate the incident.

“There were allegations that at a teacher took a flag down from the post in the classroom and stepped on that flag as part of the lesson,” Bounds said, indicating the act was repeated in several other classes. “It was not a spontaneous act, but one he worked into the lesson.”



  1. That teacher needs some serious comeuppance.

    And there is another story about state workers taking a womans flag from a traffic circle after a car crashed and destroyed it. She put up a new flag and state workers took it and threw it in the back of a dump truck.

    Where do these people come off disrespecting the flag and breaking the law to do it.

    Both stories just burns my ass.

  2. Is this one of the teachers the NRA wants to arm to protect our children?

  3. IMO, this person NEEDS to be FIRED, as in let go!
    How disrespectful can you get. No wonder the kids are so good at it.(being disrespectful)


  4. I don't think the teacher should have done this -there are other ways to make this point- but it does not need to be national news. I wish someone would do something about all the "patriots" who fly tattered/ratty flags.

  5. Stomp the teacher out of the classroom permanently.

  6. My take on this is that we don't know the context of the lesson, or what was being communicated. For example, if you knew I burned a flag, what would your knee jerk reaction be? Now, what if I told you I did it in celebration of our freedoms, of our first ammendment, as a gesture of how wonderful America is that it gives us these freedoms... including being able to do such a thing. Quite a different context.

    Also, part of the article mentions that the military fights for the flag, and to this I disagree. They fight for what it represents, not the piece of cloth. They fight for our freedoms and liberty.. which incidentally gives someone the right to either step on a piece of cloth, or burn it.

    We should care less about what happens to a piece of cloth, and more about what happens with our freedom and liberty.

  7. perhaps we should take him from his post and step on him...

  8. 8:15 Well said... that is all.

  9. Treason...And Shot.

  10. If you cared about what this piece of cloth represents, you would also care about the treatment of this piece of cloth.

    I know it may be hard to have pride in your country with the pos in office now, but buck up and believe in something bigger than yourselves.

    Half the country voted in an enemy of the state into office. I'm sure it wasn't deliberate, just ignorance.

    We have to hang together, or most assuredly, we will all hang separately.

  11. 3:15 the answer to you question is NO. The same teachers that respect our flag also will respect the Constitution and the 2nd amendment. A teacher who would step on a flag would step on our constitutional rights. Think about it and it will come to you.


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