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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Taco Bell Worker Speaks After Hours Cut To Avoid Health Insurance Mandate

OKLAHOMA CITY -The Taco Bell in Guthrie cuts its full-time employees' hours to avoid mandates under the new health care law.

Now, a mother of three who works at that restaurant is speaking out. Under the Affordable Care Act, any company that has more than 50 full-time workers falls under the new health insurance mandate.

We talked to the company that owns the Guthrie restaurant today, and it confirmed the cuts. Now, employees there aren't allowed to work more than 28 hours a week.

Johnna Davis has worked at the Taco Bell in Guthrie since September. She's seen a 200 dollar cut in her paycheck since a new store policy went into effect.

"What we were being told was one thing, and that was, ‘we're going to offer benefits, we'll just keep all of our full time employees and then come December, their whole story changed," Johnna Davis said.

She says her manager held a meeting before Christmas, saying employees' hours would be cut in the new year.


  1. As more and more companies justifiably follow suit by cutting their employee's hours in order for them to stay in business, the sad reality is that more and more employees will have to resort to seeking help from the Federal & State Governments and will be applying for Medical Assistance.
    It seems to me as though it is becoming a Lose-Lose situation for America.

  2. They should have seen that coming! You got what you voted for four years ago with all that hope and change crap!! Now the whole nation is suffering!!

  3. More BS from company owners crying over nothing. These sweatshop business owners are shamefull.

  4. Alot of employer's are doing this. This was made possible by a bill crafted by buffoons intent on hurrying up and passing it while Congress was still controlled by democrats. And also by idiots like pelosi who doesn't read the bills but all the brain dead democrats think she's so clever and continue to vote her in. Another obama failure because he doesn't have the intelligence to think things through

  5. Who did you vote for? Watch what you ask for, you just got it.

  6. 1244-Do you know the fiscal impact on the business? Probably not.

    Too bad, get a better job. If you don't gain a marketable skill, you are left hanging in the wind from your own inaction.

  7. 12:44 you pay for it!! you own it

  8. Years ago I bought 100 shares of Taco Bell stock, because I always wanted to own some of the Mexican Phone Company.

  9. You can thank Obama for this it just the beginning I hope all you Libtards are happy.

  10. 12:44 - like so many other clueless folks who expect to reap benefits from the sweat of someone else's brow, you seem to expect companies are a bottomless money pit from which funds can be confiscated for utopian purposes. At least these workers can now get free contraceptives and abortions and medical care, all while working 12 less hours per week.

    Friend owns a fast food franchise that netted him $208k last year. The cost of Obamacare without restructuring his business would be $335k. Bet you won't send him a check for that $335.

  11. BS 2:06, 335K is simply BS.

  12. I don't think it is BS 2:21. A friend of mine is in the service profession. A few years ago (a few years ago mine you) she was telling me it costs their business nearly $40,000 for health benefits for 9 employees and their family of 5-14 total.

  13. There are a lot of companies out there right now that are slobbering over this. They couldn't wait for companies to do this. They are blaming all of this on Obamacare when in fact, they wanted to do this all along. Health care was not something ALL companies wanted to offer. It was just part of a benefits pkg that attracted the best employees. With the unemployment level where it is, attracting the best employees is very easy to do. Remember, the alternative to supplying healthcare is a minor fine that most companies just laugh at. When companies like Taco Bell start losing valuable employees and are left with the less than desirable ones, they will change their tune fairly quickly.

  14. 2:21 - Tend to agree; 8 stores, 35 Employees each = 280 employees. That'd only $1200 each. Probably already paying for full timers. Maybe if half of them are part time then it would be $2400 each. reduce 140 employees to where Obamacare doesn't apply, then 140 X $2400 = $336,000.

    Looking for your cash (no checks please).

  15. The Obama economy at work. Thanks for nothing.

  16. How about goosecreek doing the same .started last month.hitting here on the shore.goosecreek is owned by cato gas.since I heard about what they did to them I stopped filling my rig there. I encourage the same for every company that screws their employees after fifteen years of service.


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