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Monday, January 28, 2013

Survey Question 1/28/13

Did you help anyone during the snow storm?
If so, how?


  1. Yup I shoveled the elderly ladies sidewalk next door to me, and made sure they had everything they needed. Those two sisters are good neighbors, I love them both.

    I would have come and helped you Joe, if I knew you needed some help!

  2. My hubby was out 8 hours, three different days, scraping roads and country lanes - as usual. Friends and neighbors give him coffee, hot chocolate, cookies, hot soup, and sandwiches, as he has done this for at least 30 years and will not take money. He'd be upset that I've even mentioned this as he is a firm believer of neighbor helping neighbor with no bragging allowed.

  3. anonymous 11:13, that's awesome. By the way, I think I know who he is but we'll keep that our secret.

  4. YUP, I checked on my neighbor and sent over a pot of homemade soup.

  5. LOL! 11:13 AM Is that what he told you?

  6. He didn't have to tell me - I was sitting beside him in his John Deere green.

  7. A homeless came by and asked if he could shovel my walk. I said sure
    I'll give you $5. It didn't work out
    cause he didn't have change for a $20. You know us liberals cant overpay!

  8. I was in the Bahamas but my wonderful neighbor shoveled our walk so we would be able to get in the house safely when we returned. We have awesome neighbors and I am so thankful!


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