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Sunday, January 06, 2013

Such A Thing As A Pot Vending Machine Exists, Might Be Heading To Colorado & Washington

Now that Colorado and Washington have legalized marijuana for recreational use, businesses are clamoring to get a piece of the action, and coming up with some entertaining ways to do it. For example, a pot vending machine already exists for medical use, so why not introduce the same kind of devices for anyone in those states looking to buy some legal bud? One company is working on adapting its vending machines for just that purpose.

The founder of the company says he’s working on tweaking his business to make sure the machines would comply with each state’s laws. The machines currently require fingerprint identification to ensure that a patient really does have a medical marijuana prescription and isn’t just trying to score on the sly, reports NBC News.


  1. Well...since Washington state legalized it, you don't need a medical marijuana card. Astute as always NBC.

  2. Joe can you explain to me how parents are to teach children to just say no to drugs when it's legal to partake in some states? This country is so doomed, it's scary. I feel like we have no control over our own destiny anymore. What are we to do?

  3. Could use one down the street. Put sticky finger benny out of business.

  4. Lock up all WORTHLESS potheads!

  5. Dana,
    Get over yourself. You're an idiot.
    Stop letting the government tell you what is right and wrong for you or your children.

  6. Now Now 10:15 pm no need to resort to name calling. I have and continue to teach my son that drugs are wrong. I'm talking about this liberal government we have making it ok to do drugs. They are the idiots here, not I. Oh and by the way since you felt a need to call me a name at least I used my real name instead of "anonymous" :D


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