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Friday, January 11, 2013

Seaford Man Arrested For Having a Sexual Relationship With Student

Location: Sussex Technical High School, 17099 County Seat Highway, Georgetown, DE

Date of Occurrence: Various dates and times beginning in March of 2010

16 year old female (19 now)
16 year old female

Defendant, Charges, and Bail Information:
Timothy O. Morris, 29, Seaford, DE (Photo Attached)
Continual Sexual Abuse of Child
Rape 4th by Person in Position of Trust, Authority, or Supervision (25 counts)
Unlawful Sexual Contact 2nd Degree (25 Counts)
Sexual Harassment

Arraigned at JP3 and committed to Sussex Correctional Institution on $208,500.00 cash bail.

Georgetown, DE- The Delaware State Police have arrested a Sussex Tech High School custodian who is accused of having a sexual relationship with a 16 year old student.

In May of 2012, State Police Detectives were contacted by a relative of a now 19 year old female stating that she was involved in a sexual relationship with an adult male employee of Sussex Tech High School while she was a student there. Through further investigation it was determined that the employee, who is a custodian, and the female student had an apparent sexual relationship but the female did not wish to proceed any further with the investigation.

On Wednesday January 9, 2013, Sussex Tech school administrators contacted Detectives after they were informed by a 16 year old student currently attending the school that she was being sexually harassed. The investigation revealed Timothy O. Morris would seek out this victim and give unsolicited hugs and in one incident, attempted to obtain a kiss causing the 16 year old to feel uncomfortable and scared. Morris also obtained the victim’s cell phone number through a social media network and began sending text messages to her.

On Thursday January 10, 2013, the initial victim (the now 19 year old) was re-contacted by Detectives and through the investigation learned that she and Morris began a relationship in March of 2010 when she was 16 years old. The relationship became sexual in nature as the two would meet inside and outside the school setting and engage in sexual intercourse. These incidents occurred for approximately a year and a half before ending in August of 2011.

Timothy O. Morris, 29 of Seaford, was charged with 25 counts of Rape 4th by a Person in Position of Trust, Authority, or Supervision, 25 counts of Unlawful Sexual Contact 2nd, Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child, and Sexual Harassment. Morris was arraigned on the charges and committed to Sussex Correctional Institution on $208,500.00 cash bail.

Questions regarding Timothy O. Morris’ status with Sussex Tech High School should be directed to the Sussex Tech District Office.

Because of the sensitivity of this case, and in consideration of the victims, only limited information will be released.

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