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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sandy Conspiracy? The Blaze Debunks Them..

Was Adam Lanza really the only shooter at Sandy Hook Elementary School? Why are there supposed inconsistencies surrounding the weapons that were used during the attack? And are some of the parents really “crisis actors” brought in to make the situation that much more believable?

Those are only a few of the questions that have been posed by conspiracy theorists who have used the Internet to virally spread their doubt about the horrific massacre that unfolded in Connecticut on Dec. 14.

The main crux of the arguments presented in documentary-style videos is that the Sandy Hook massacre is either a government-planned hoax intended to lead the nation to overwhelmingly embrace increased gun control measures. Or, at the least, those who have put the videos out believe that essential information is being withheld from the American public surrounding multiple shooters and other game-changing elements. The motivations of those who have created these theories are difficult to pin down, as most are spouting their views anonymously.


  1. There were 2 other men taken in custody, one in the woods behind the school, the other on the parking lot. More details coming out now on youtube.

  2. LOL would never believe SNOPES do some deep checking you will find out they are bias to say the least

  3. 5:54 your right snopes is a joke.

  4. I didn't see them debunk anything. Now if you want to see a tiny video watch Glenn beck fema camps.

  5. 6:25 funny video stupid phone

  6. And of course, You Tube is the holy gospel. Nothing phony has ever appeared on it.

    Maybe I think all these swell stories about grandmothers and other homeowners successfully defending themselves from intruders with their lawful, God-given firearms is a bunch of happy horse####.

  7. snopes not to be trusted. i discovered this many years ago. they are actually very left leaning and it shows...

  8. So Queensgirl did you ever even watch the video.

  9. The guy in the woods was a father walking through the woods to get to the school to pick up his son.

    The road was jammed with cars because they would not let them go any further towards the school.

    So he parked his car and walked through the woods since he couldn't drive to the school.

    That's why he was released.

  10. Queensgirl I bet you "waste your time" on real housewives or American idol, but god forbid if you actually did some research and question what they spoon feed us through the media and our loving government. Are you on govt assistance by chance?

  11. 7:19 your right about Queensgirl. She loves to spout off things she knows nothing about. Oh I got to run time for Jersey shore.

  12. Hey, 7:19 and 8:16: I have a law degree. I read the New York Times, The Nation, Newsweek, and the New York Review of Books, just to name a few. The last two books I read were the novel "Wolf Hall" by Hilary Mantel and the nonfiction "Failing Law Schools" by Brian Tamanaha. I DON'T watch American Idol, Jersey Shore, Dancing With the Stars or any of that garbage. What do you read? Gun magazines? Porn?

  13. Law degree. Then you must have reed the Constitution & the Declaration of Independence. I would also assume you took a oath to up hold the constitution but you must not belive in it.

  14. Queensgirl has a law degree. That explains it all.

  15. Does a law degree make one smarter than everyone else or just another pompous lawyer?

  16. And what's not to like about porn.

  17. Actually the last two books I read were "the greening" and "brave new world". Surely as a student of law, which if I'm not mistaken is based on our constitution? Then you should be appalled at what is currently happening to the first, second, fifth, and tenth amendments of our bill of rights. As a law student what are you're thoughts on the NDAA your loving Obaaaaahma signed on 12/31/11?

  18. The same people that want to take our guns away because of the tragedy of 20 children being killed will also be the same ones that will donate money to Planned Parenthood so millions can be killed. Can someone explain this logic to me please?

  19. queensgirl seems to be offended by porn yet is ok with gay marriage. SMH

  20. A prime candidate for manufactured evidence after the fact.Does'nt anyone realize the reason why we hear new info every day?It's because each day brand new info is concocted by anyone who feels like making something up.Starting tomorrow just accept the original story at face value.That IS the true version.


    on thedirtylowdown.

    is excellent, up to date coverage of whole thing.

  22. So the Blaze has been bought out by the government...

  23. Fact: The rifle was was left in the car. Adam Lanza entered the school with 2 handguns.

  24. ALL you conspiracy theorists i hope nothing EVER happens to you in REAL life i am almost positive you will never be able to handle it.COWARDS.

  25. 7:15 your the fool that thinks the magician really cut the woman in half. You need to learn to think not everything is what some want you to belive.

  26. The only thing that stops Bad Guy with Gun is Good Guy with Gun. Cops got to the Sandy Hook School 10 minutes after the shooting started. 1) If the guns purchased by Lanza's mother were banned from her, her son would get the guns elsewhere. 2) If there was a access to a handgun in the Principle's office, someone would shoot back and ithe attack would have been over at that point. Why do think these mentally unstable shooters choose to go on shooting spree in schools? Do you ever hear about shooters attacking VFW or American Legion? No. They go to schools because they know 100% there will be no-one shooting back.


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