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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rep. Harris Introduces Bill Limiting Congressional Terms

WASHINGTON, DC—Representative Andy Harris M.D. introduced a Joint Resolution that would limit the number of consecutive terms that a person could serve in the U.S. Congress. It would limit persons to two consecutive terms in the U.S. Senate and six consecutive terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Representative Harris released the following statement on the bill:

“Limiting Congressional terms is a common sense way to change Washington and make sure our elected leaders work for the people instead of the special interests. We need more citizen leaders who are willing to address our challenges instead of coming to Washington to become career politicians. Far too many of our leaders are more worried about the next election than addressing out of control spending or preserving our entitlement programs. We need to break the gridlock in Washington caused in part by career politicians.”


  1. Great idea Andy! This has been needed forever.

  2. It should have never changed without going to referedum. How did the American people allow Congress to
    abolish term limits.

  3. Good luck taking the gravy away from the chefs

  4. Hows it going to pass when you have career criminals....I mean politicians voting on it?

  5. Good luck in getting votes for these idiots of giving up there jobs after 2 terms would you?

  6. I really think this kind of change would require a constitutional amendment and that's not going to happen. US Senators were, at one time, elected by state legislatures instead of by the people and it took an amendment to change that.

  7. SENATORS being elected by state legislators IS the way it was DESIGNED and we should have NEVER gotten away from that.

    special interests GET what they WANT my getting senators elected/re-elected

  8. Great, like , like, like

  9. I certainly hope that Rep. Harris honors this, with or without the Resolution.

    If not, then he's just a hypocrite like most of the Congress Critters.

  10. Two year limits for everyone including president period. They line their pockets enough.

  11. I hope they also include after their term is up....so is any money. They don't get retirement for working 2 or 4 years or any other type of benefit once their term is over.

  12. 2-year terms for Representatives are stupid, too. They spend all their time in House running for re-election. At least with a 4-year term, there's at least a couple of years you might get real work out of them.

  13. they will never do it. why would they give up their perks and corruptive ways ? we the people just want what they say they will do for us - not whats good for the country as a whole.

  14. You don't get any real work done by any of them.


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