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Saturday, January 05, 2013

Redskin Fan Shows Support Through Her Long Fingernails

This native Washingtonian shows off her support 
for the Redskins with her long fingernails - 
spanning 97 inches in length altogether!
See Photo gallery HERE


  1. just a guess, she has season tickets, but it appears highly unlikely she has a real profession. heck, how does she eat or ....?????

  2. Taxpayer's money at work.

  3. What occupation does she hold would be the first thought that comes to my mind?

  4. She probably claims disability because her fingernails keep her from working.

  5. No way she can have a job. And, how does she go to the bathroom? Your and my taxpayer money is supporting this woman. Enough is enough!

  6. I want to know how she wipes her butt!!

  7. Those are totally disgusting...How do those daggers show support for the Redskins? and how does she function..Work, eat, and wipe her butt? so nasty...

  8. 9:38-If that profession is what I think you are thinking someone will end up in intensive care.

  9. She collects disability b/c she cannot work as result of the hand issues; big Obama CHECK each month!

  10. exactly how does this support anything except bacterial growth?

  11. That's disgusting!

  12. Her reasoning is called "rationalization". Its not a job, but one CAN make a career out it. Ask her where she works, instead of giving her the attention she obviously craves. Put some SHAME back into our culture, and NOT praise for every different whack job that comes along...there should also be a limit on how many bottles of nail polish one can purchase in one month on an EBT card.

  13. Love the skins but this grosses me out. I have people comment about my long hair but I can still and do function in the real world.

  14. She don't have to wipe her butt!! Social Services sends someone every day to do it for her.

  15. Really?
    It is not possible they are real nails. How did she get her coat on?
    Nails break break or tear off at some point anyway.

  16. You can certainly see that she does not work or have a job at all, unless she uses her mouth or other body parts for income. I will also bet that she voted for Obama..

  17. She wipes her butt and scratches her back at the same time.

    Her hands are still usable. But they sure are nasty looking. I bet she just has them for the attention she receives. Negative attention but attention nonetheless.

  18. I have read each comment on here and most of you think she's unemployed. Well let me tell you she does have a job because I see her on the metro everyday either going in to work or coming back in the evening. My major concern and or question has been how does she clean/wipe her ass???? #shameful.


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