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Friday, January 25, 2013

RAND PAUL TO HILLARY CLINTON: I Would Have Fired You Over Benghazi

Making his debut on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at a hearing Wednesday on the Benghazi attacks Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) lambasted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over her role in the attacks on the diplomatic compound in Libya.

“Ultimately, I think with your leaving, you accept culpability for the greatest tragedy since 9/11," he said. "Had I been President at the time and I found out you had not read the cables… I would have relieved you of your post."

"I think it's inexcusable," he added.

Paul's berating of Secretary Clinton was a marked break from the Senate's otherwise mild interrogation. As we reported last week, Paul has been planning on nailing Clinton with conservative criticism about Benghazi, part of an ongoing push to ramp up his foreign policy profile as he explores a possible White House bid in 2016. 



  2. Clinton is a filthy liar just like our Chicago gangster President

  3. Clinton is a filthy liar just like our Chicago gangster President

    January 25, 2013 at 8:19 PM

    I saw a picture of Obama's I.D. from Columbia Univ.

    It said Barry Soetoro foreign student. If he is a U.S. citizen, why would he be listed as FOREIGN?

  4. Did anyone else get sick and tired of that smirk on Hillary's face and her childish laughing and giggling. For God's sake 4 Americans were murdered while you and the Kenyan watched!

  5. Well he isn't President.


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