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Friday, January 11, 2013

Quote Of The Day 1-11-13

"The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living
are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living." --Anonymous


  1. The right to civic engagement has not and should never be tied to employment. Whoever said this is an idiot.

  2. It's the God honest truth!

  3. There are good, honest people who are looking for work and can't find it. This quote seems to suggest that they, by voting, have created the problems we all face today. This quote and whoever posted it today are wrong.

  4. 10:17 True and I doubt anyone disputes that but the fact remains the democrats have created a climate in which there are more takers than makers.

    If that is the way they want it they've won but we as Americans have lost.

    If you really want to change things vote Republicans who want (and whose record proves) small government and more business friendly laws.

  5. 10:08 No one said the right to vote should be tied to employment did they? What was said that basically the have nots have outnumbered the haves in voting.
    The problem with you liberals is that reading comprehension is lost on you all, most likely due to the majority are enrolled in the government run schools that want to indoctrinate instead of actual teaching you all how to use your brains properly.

  6. 10:08 It is directly tied to "earning" a living.
    More people doing absolutely nothing "earn" a living from the Government and vote for it than people that actually work to receive compensation.

  7. thats a bunch of dukie! the american voters were out numbered..which i take means the united states is being taken over slowly but surely. life would have been great now if the south had won the civil war!

  8. 10:17 no one doubts that good people are looking for work. the point is that if you cannot find a job making more than $40k a year it doesnt pay to get a job so you just live off the government. the govbernment has created this situation on purpose because that is what they want. so now more people are subserviant to the government than are those that actually earn they own way

  9. it's called redistribution of wealth - a tenet of liberalism.

  10. You people are crazy, and willing to blame the most vulnerable segments of society in an attempt to "be right".

    This quote is lame, it blames those who can not help themselves for all of our problems. If you believe that nonsense then I hope you and your's never find yourself in a position where you need help, i mean "a handout".

  11. but 12:14 there is a very large difference in those who can't help themselvse versus the ones who WON'T help themselves. I think that is the point of the quote.

  12. Is there a difference in having money and working?

  13. the Republicans were the ones that sent the jobs overseas and their Business Friendly laws (de-regulation)caused the economic collapse that created the unemployed that created the.... and so on.
    Because things were SO much better when the country was collapsing with Bush and Cheney. Yeah. Right.

  14. Its so disheartening to go to work everyday just to support the welfare sucking society we have become. Fire all the damn politicians and let Donald Trump become president!


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