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Monday, January 28, 2013

Props To The Salisbury Fire Department

The snow was immediately cleared from Station 16 sidewalks this year.


  1. It is removed EVERY year!

  2. anonymous 10:50, that is absolutely not true. I'm sure you can find evidence of such in a Post I did a couple years ago proving the City was fining people for not taking care of their sidewalks while the City property wasn't maintained. I'm glad to see they have changed their ways.

  3. Good for the FF, Joe i hear a lot of guys on the job are FED UP with jimmy Boy.

  4. anonymous 11:48, that is correct.

    Look, the Firefighters know where I stand on many issues and quite frankly many of them know I am not in favor of ANY more spending on equipment and so forth in the future. I have NOT been shy about where I stand.

    I believe our attention needs to go to the Salisbury Police Department for the next 2.5 years and again I've been very vocal about that as well. I have nothing to hide and I'm NOT going to lie or feed any of you with feel good statements just to get your vote.

    I will not be UNFAIR to ANY department. If you want to go swimming in the Wicomico River in 6 more years, well, vote for Jim Ireton.

    If you want to see great paying jobs and crime actually going down without numbers being fudged, you'll vote for me.

  5. Joe, while FF do like the new firehouse most of them feel it is way over the top, but its not about us it was about the politicians i am sure a lot of people and politicians got a kick back for the property and contracts.

  6. The FF's are fed up with Jimmy Boy and the acting fire chief.

  7. Can we finally get a Fire Chief who can be responsible and get this place in order? Apparently we DID have a great candidate a few years ago but he told the council the TRUTH and they did not hire him. Go figure!

  8. Larry Dodd for fire chief!! Pay raies for the firemen!!


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