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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Promises Promises


  1. I have a promise of my own but I don't want the F.B.I. and Secret Service knocking on my door

  2. obama - the biggest blankety blank hoax ever perpetrated on america.

  3. Of course this was all lies but what else do you expect from these ghetto people who all they know how to do is pull hustles on unsuspecting people.
    Even educated affluent blacks have their number. I remember the first vacation they took and in their attempt to appear sophisticated went to The Vineyard. MSM went wild interviewing what they thought would be the affluent black residents giving the Obama's the red carpet treatment. Well they got fooled big time. The Obama's were dissed and snubbed, one black resident even saying they don't identify with the Obama's and called MO "a ghetto girl."
    Of course the Obama's never went back to The Vineyard again-LOL!

  4. And the lies continue day in and day out and stupid americans keep idolizing him.

  5. Man,he hasn't told the truth yet!

  6. Extremely telling esp as it relates to those who voted and support BO. Of course some of his support can be attributed to ignorance but there are those who know what a pathological liar BO is and continue to support him. It goes to show how low this country has become. The good people are just surrounded by dishonesty.

  7. Ha Ha, lets get together 11:07!

  8. Promises in dreamland.

  9. There are liars, damned liars then there is Obama -- the best liar.

  10. There has never been a bigger liar in the White House. Just check out his college transcripts and selective service records. It's all there in black and white. Now that's what I call 100% transparency.

  11. All those lies and dummies put him back in office. I just don't understand the mindset of people.

  12. It's because they have no values 11:47. Dishonesty such as this and condoning it is the root of all of societies major problems such as crime and poverty.

  13. Obama is just another lying politician, he just happens to better at lying than most well done Obamie "King of the Liars"

  14. missed one:

    "i promise to uphold the constitution..."

    inaugaration 2008 & 2012

  15. He forgot to tell us that this was a fiction document.

  16. Not one comment from Alex on this? Wow! I guess he has no explanation for Obama's lies and broken promises.

  17. Worst president in my lifetime. I thought Carter was a useless idiot until this guy came along. Now Carter doesn't look that bad in comparison. God bless us? No God help us!

  18. The lying pig "Obama" does not know what a promise is.


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