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Friday, January 04, 2013

Post Office Closure


Can you publish something about the USPS wanting to close or reduce the hours of operation for the Deal Island/Chance Post Office? There is a public hearing at the Post Office on Feb 12th.


  1. The freaking social security office has reduced their hours. Closes at 3pm and noon on Wednesday.

    They have a backlog of YEARS and they want to reduce working hours?

    What a joke.

  2. SHOOT BOY, We don't need no people down here son!

  3. 10:35, I'm pretty sure folks at social security are still working, they just reduced public access hours. So it's less time for people to come in and complain about why they don't have a hearing scheduled in their case but more time for staff to actually do some work without interruption

  4. 4:31 PM

    That is the most bs excuse I have heard.

    It is part of their job to deal with the public. They are supposed to SERVE the public, not to view them as an annoyance.

    They have a work back load of over YEARS. Are you suggesting they cannot multitask?

    If you work for that agency I can see why they are so far behind and unhelpful.

    What a stupid, inflaming and irresponsible non-answer. If people cannot do their job, they should be replaced with some that can, and actually WANT TO.

    You are a freaking moron which has no clue. Typical.


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