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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Perdue Seeks Up To $2.5M In Poultry Pollution Case

Perdue Farms is seeking up to $2.5 million in attorney fees following its victory in a poultry pollution case that had been closely watched by environmentalist and agriculture interests for its potential impact on the industry, a company spokeswoman said Wednesday.

The poultry giant is seeking to recoup attorney fees from the New York-based Waterkeeper Alliance, which sued the company and an Eastern Shore contract grower, Perdue spokeswoman Julie DeYoung said.

The poultry giant said in its filing U.S. District Court in Baltimore that the environmental group continued to litigate what it called a groundless case after learning that an uncovered pile of what was claimed to be chicken manure turned out to be harmless. The company also said the court had noted that while defendants are "not normally entitled to recover their legal fees, such an award would not be unprecedented."



  1. Heck with Perdue. Let them go ahead and move to NC. Good bye!

  2. Anonymous 4:35 . . . you are a fool.
    Do you know how many people Perdue employs in this area? Or how many family farms are dependent on their existence? Or how many charities are helped by their foundation? Of course you don't.

  3. I say we keep the jobs here and you go to NC.

  4. I say they also sue the local whiners who brought the suit as well

  5. Perdue deserves every last penny of it, too! And the Hudsons need reimbursement as well! Add in the days the farm's output was compromised as well.

    Maybe the Waterkeepers Alliance will have to sell that stupid plane and all their snooping equipment to pay for it!

  6. Anonymous 4:35pm...As a Perdue employee I can guarantee you that you do not want a move to North Carolina to happen. I don't think you understand just how big of an employer Perdue is. Why is it that when something like this comes up it is always looked at as the "big company" is the bad guy. This was another case of a "tree hugging group" wasting everyone's time and money (including some of my time).

    As for a move from "the 'bury".m if Perdue was going to do that, why would they spend the money to remodel the corporate building inside. It would KIlL "the 'bury".

    Anon 4:35pm....know the facts before you open your mouth. You have two ears and one mouth, use them in proportion. 'Nough said.

  7. "Anonymous said...
    Anonymous 4:35 . . . you are a fool.
    Do you know how many people Perdue employs in this area? Or how many family farms are dependent on their existence? Or how many charities are helped by their foundation? Of course you don't.

    January 9, 2013 4:55 PM"

    What you say may be true but there is a hugh segment of Perdue, Mountaire,etc employees that we the tax payers are subsidizing with entitlements such as housing and food assistance, Medicaid, free school lunches,etc because the employees are paid such low wages.
    As far as "family farms", try "factory farms" and the "farmers" are dependant on their other jobs to make ends meet which alot are not even accomplishing with 2nd jobs.
    The charities that they are helping are most likely benefitting alot of their own employees which wouldn't need the charity if they were paid more than minimum wage.
    The hidden cost of "cheap chicken" is higher taxes for all of us who supplement the employees.

  8. The laws are federal so same laws would apply in NC as in MD.

  9. Fire the EPA staff, and let us work free of Government intervention as per our Constitution.

  10. anonymous 6:26, you must be thinking of Wal-mart. Perdue pays a fair wage for a days work, with the oporunity to move up if the person is willing to better them selves. Most of your comment sounds like rehashed information you've gleamed from "news" and nothing you have seen first hand.

  11. As a native salisburian I can vouch for how much Perdue has done for the community. Years ago as a child I remember seeing the buses bringing in the workers, many of those workers children are doctors, lawyers, etc. Thanks to the charity of Frank.

  12. God Bless Perdue and the Hudsons!

    'Nuff said.

  13. 7:14 Nope not the news. A church I know holds English classes and almost all of the atendees work in the chicken processing plants. They also help them fill out the forms so they can get assistance and have told me it's almost a given that these processing workers are on some kind of public assistance, if in fact they are even legal to work themselves because alot of times the assistance is in the name of what everyone calls an "anchor baby."
    Care to not believe if you choose but it's the truth.

  14. "Fair wage", Guess again 7:14-Here's a fact for you: Wages for the 3 (three) major occupations in poultry processing are between $11 and $12 per hour according to the US Census Bureau's American Community Survey.
    Hispanics make up more than 30% of those employed in animal slaughtering and processing as compared to 15% in all other industries.

  15. SO/ It's a steady job, and it pats the bills, Wait till these poor folks get limited to 28 hours a week. now they will need 2 jobs, thanks to our new Messiah!

  16. how do you know some of the people making negative comments aren't now or have been Perdue "associates" and know full well exactly what kind of company it is from the inside? better think that through.

  17. 9:37
    maybe they can get a second job at Perdue.
    IMO, the amount isn't big enough. Perdue isn't suing for the Hudsons. they will have to bring their own suit. When will it ever end?

  18. If people want to bring frivolous lawsuits that cost hundreds of thousands to defend they should be responsible for the innocent parties expenses.


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