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Monday, January 28, 2013

Paul Ryan Embraces Spending Cuts He Said Would Devastate The Country

During an interview on Meet The Press on Sunday, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) predicted that the sequester cuts are “going to happen” and made no concrete proposals for how to avoid the reductions. The tone represents a sharp rhetorical and policy shift for the onetime GOP vice presidential nominee, who warned during the 2012 presidential campaign that the cuts would “devastate” the country and undermine job growth. 

“I think the sequester is going to happen,” Ryan said, referring to the $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts to the Pentagon and other government agencies that will go into effect unless Congress approves offsets. He charged that Democrats rejected the GOP’s replacement legislation — the bill cut the food-stamp program, slashed Medicaid, undermined funding for the Affordable Care Act and disaster relief — and failed to produce their own alternatives:



  1. Which failed VP candidate will GOP turn next to for rebranding?

  2. AN AMERICAN : We are headed for a depresion that will be world wide.

  3. Spend, spend, spend, social justice and oh so many other words that describe our so called leaders to a T.

    Unless We The People wise up I guess we will get what we deserve.

    A depression has started...what will we do with it? Let it sink us to despair or will we rise up in time to stave off the worst of it?

  4. I am interested in Gary Johnson's opinion on this. He's who I voted for.

  5. Not sure how this reporter interpreted the conversation as Ryan 'embracing' spending cuts.

  6. I forget the songwriter, but the lyric was "like a snowball headed for hell". Welcome to the current state of these United States.

  7. About the author from the site:
    "Igor Volsky is the Deputy Editor of ThinkProgress.org. Igor is co-author of Howard Dean’s Prescription for Real Healthcare Reform and has appeared on MSNBC..."

  8. There is no rhetorical nor policy shift in Ryan's postion. He's been saying the same thing before, during and after the campaign and that being if the Democrats don't get serious the stuff's going to hit the fan. And for the record Ryan has made many different proposals many of which were the same as recommended by a panel Obama himself put in place but in his ultimate wisdom is ignoring their recommendations and proposals.

    Oh I take that back Obama did embrace and act on atleast one of the panels recommendations concerning taxes. Something along the lines of allowing a loophole to remain which allows corporations to avoid fed corp tax. It's the same loophole that allows GE to get away without paying their "fair share."
    What's interesting is a GE executive is on Obama's Economic Advisory Panel-Imagine that.
    Isn't it nice having a president with his head stuck up big businesses butt Alex?

  9. Not a shift in Ryan's postion at all. Basically what he is saying is let the chips fall where they may and experience is going to be the best teacher in this mess and then and only then will those that support Democratic policies realize that they've never worked and will continue to not work.

  10. The Soros controlled media empire is relentlessly demonising Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio and any other potential candidate for President 2016--poisoning their chances early.

  11. Ryan and Rubio have no problem demonizing themselves.

  12. Anonymous said...
    I am interested in Gary Johnson's opinion on this. He's who I voted for.

    January 28, 2013 at 9:20 PM

    Thanks for voting for Obama!


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