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Friday, January 25, 2013

Paul Confronts Clinton Weapons Shipments Benghazi

We've covered the possibility that the CIA Annex in Benghazi was conducting covert operations aimed at arming Syrian rebels with heavy weapons (SA-7 missiles to counter Assad's air campaign).

At Hillary Clinton's Benghazi hearing today, Rand Paul broke ground by being the first politician to ask Clinton directly if she knew anything about these operations; in particular, about a ship containing 400 tons of SA-7 missiles arriving in Turkey, and if America had anything to do with it.

Clinton sidestepped the question: "You're asking the wrong agency, I don't know anything about that."

Which is odd since U.S. officials told The Wall Street Journal in November that "the U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation" and that most of the personnel at the consulate were providing "diplomatic cover" for the CIA Annex.


  1. This is the string thst needs to be pulled..what the f were they there for!!! ....its obamas iran contra

  2. I told you 2 months ago that the "consulate" was just a HOUSE. Not an "embassy" or "consulate" or anything like that. It was a house --just a HOUSE -- being used to interrogate local insurgents and to facilitate the shipment of arms to the Syrian rebels. THAT'S why the CIA had a safe house so close and there were Navy Seals there. And the locals KNEW it --- and it wasn't 9-11 anniversary revenge attack. It was a jailbreak. And the administration watched it (the firefight) for SEVEN HOURS and did NOTHING. Hoping it would just be something they could cover up. Boy, did THAT ever go wrong. THAT'S also why they are still "investigating" and will "investigate" forever. The truth will mangle their reputations in history, in light of what they have already said in about six different versions...


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