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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Parents Seeking Later Start To School

More than 2,350 people have signed an online petition to start school later in Anne Arundel County.

A group will deliver the petition Thursday to the county school board and schools Superintendent Kevin M. Maxwell. The group, a grass-roots coalition called Start School Later, plans to present the petition during a public hearing on the school system’s proposed 2014 budget.

Heather Macintosh, co-leader of the county’s chapter of Start School Later, said seven or eight group members plan to use their three minutes of speaking time to urge the school system to start school no earlier than 8 a.m.

The group also doesn’t want buses to pick up students before 7 a.m. It has safety, health and academic performance concerns.


  1. get real. get them to bed at an earlier time and get them up at 5:30 so they can make the bus or get your but out of bed and drive them there

  2. You get real, 1:46. The evidence is clear that kids do better in schools with later start times. There's no reason why children should be getting up at 5:30 to go to school.

  3. Agree!!! My child would have to get on the bus at 620 am and not get off the bus until 415 pm. That is a very long day for a young child. Im up every morning by 430 so it has nothing to do with me getting up.


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