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Monday, January 07, 2013

Outrage in Delaware (FINAL UPDATE: A HAPPY ENDING)

This picture is from a Milford, Delaware playground. Milford is in Southern Delaware in the very conservative Sussex County. I originally saw this picture on Facebook, from a liberal friend downstate, who was sharing it via an original posting of the very nonliberal Dan Gaffney, a conservative talk show radio host. It is nice to know that the outrage concerning this photo is bipartisan. And what is so outrageous about it, you ask?

Well, you can read what it says in English. In Spanish it says (paraphrasing) "You have to have a permit to play here or you will be arrested." The english version contains no information about needing a permit or else you will be subject to police action. It is an obvious intimidation tactic and a not so subtle "Whites Only" sign.

So if you are a white English speaking "American," you can play here at your own risk so long as you have a parent or guardian watching. If you are brown, if you dare play here without a permit we will arrest your immigrant ass. That is the fucking height of racism, and I will see to it that who ever is responsible for this sign will have their public careers ended immediately.


  1. Firstly, we cold do without the F-bomb in the article.
    Maybe the permit is a green card? Or citizenship papers? Maybe you need proof you live in the neighborhood that has jurisdiction over the park? Maybe it should say no non-residents or illegals allowed?
    Maybe some really stupid interpreter F'ed up?
    There is nothing racist about protecting your country from criminal aliens that have violated the laws and sovereignty of the America that is yours and mine. (Assuming your legal)
    The countries resources and attributes do not belong to border jumpers no matter what their human condition at home. There is a perfectly lenient immigration system that works well to document those that respect our country and it's people and laws wishing to join our prosperity and live the American dream.
    Oh, Wait, that was last century!
    It's Obama's Emerika now...

  2. Dear 9:43,
    The inability to speak English is not an indication of one's legal status.

  3. You're right, 10:07. It's something that 9:43 should appreciate. His rant clearly shows that he has, at best, a shaky grasp on the English language.

  4. The inability to speak English is not an indication of one's legal status.

    January 7, 2013 10:07 PM

    Yes it is. One would have to read and speak English to become a U.S. citizen.

    If they are citizens, the signs are wrong. If they are illegals, keep the signs.

  5. There are people here legally who are not citizens. Citizenship is a 5 year process my friend.

  6. Hey, I've got an idea! Unless the teachers in the school repeat every English spoken sentence in Spanish, french, Korean, Chinese and Japanese, take down the signs that are not in English, except the ones instructing the immigrants that being here illegally will result in deportation. We ought to be able to get that one sentence right.

  7. Who cares...... lets get into the fact that now there are signs at Pinehurst school on the big playground/yard that state that nobody can enter or use the property anymore...... I want to know why... And honestly i do not see how the Board of Ed can tell Taxpayers they cannot use an open field with their kids when school is not in session.... Apparently the Board of Ed forgets that they work for us taxpayers ....its not the other way around...... I demand that those and other signs around the county be removed

  8. Where does it say on these signs, that if you are of Latino descent you need permission?

  9. 9:18... I suspect the reason for the sign at Pinehurst has to do with irresponsible dog owners. For years, people have been using that playground area for their dogs. I know I have. But the problem is some people don't clean up after their dogs and they also allow their dogs to dig holes (and then not fill the holes back in). So when the kids go outside to play, they are constantly stepping in dog poop and they also run the risk of injury when they step in a hole. Unfortunately, the irresponsibility of a few effects the majority.

  10. Whoever did the sign just learned spanish from rosetta.

  11. In Mexico to become a citizen you nhave to learn to speak the language. All the prior imigrants coming here were proud to speak the language and didn't need special grants to learn it.

  12. You folks trying to defend this sign should listen to yourselves.

  13. There are people here legally who are not citizens. Citizenship is a 5 year process my friend.

    January 8, 2013 6:17 AM

    Point taken.

    Another point is they are not citizens.

    1. Lack of citizenship does not automatically mean illegal, friend.

  14. 10:35

    That is irrelevant.

    They can restrict dog access, but they cannot restrict human taxpayers from access.

  15. "You folks trying to defend this sign should listen to yourselves."

    You perpetually-outraged nitwits need to take a breath yourselves.

  16. Lack of citizenship does not automatically mean illegal, friend.

    January 8, 2013 7:40 PM

    Correct, but we are getting off track.


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