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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

O’Malley Discusses Some Main Points Of Session, Expresses Hope For Death Penalty Repeal

Gov. Martin O’Malley said Tuesday the state Senate is within two votes of approving a ban on capital punishment in Maryland, and the governor underscored that job creation and transportation funding concerns will be top priorities in the legislative session.

By most counts, O’Malley said, 22 of the 24 senators needed to approve a death penalty ban have expressed a willingness to support a ban in the session that begins Wednesday.

“And I think it’s very possible that there are two more senators that would vote to repeal,” O’Malley added, speaking to reporters after an annual lunch with Maryland Democrats. 



  1. Either way, look for more taxes as long as O'Malley and the Democrats are calling the shots.

  2. Where is the discussion to cut spending at the local and national level. Raising taxes (increasing money confiscation) without spending controls is ridiculous and is now totally out of hand.

    Bottom line is "elections have consequences" and at the national, state and local levels, we are paying for the "tax and irresponsibly spend" politicians we have elected to manage OUR MONEY!

  3. Elections have consequences, really? How do you explain the 18% approval rating for members of Congress that seem to remain in office forever?

  4. Lets see how O Malley would feel about the death penalty if it were his wife or daughter raped and turtured and it killed.

  5. Thank you 7:28PM Take our guns away and let there be hardly a penalty for the criminal.The agenda of a dictator.

  6. Do NOT REPEAL the death penalty. I'd advocate using it more often!


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