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Thursday, January 03, 2013

Obama Would Call on Military to Disarm Americans During National Emergency

The blueprint for how Americans would be disarmed during a declared civil emergency is contained in an Army manual that outlines a plan to confiscate firearms to prevent them falling into the hands of rioters or dissidents.

Given the imminent introduction of Senator Dianne Feinstein’s draconian gun control legislation, which would instantly criminalize millions of gun owners in the United States if passed, concerns that the Obama administration could launch a massive gun confiscation effort have never been greater.

In July 2012, the process by which this could take place was made clear in a leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” (PDF) dating from 2006. Similar plans were also outlined in an updated manual released in 2010 entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations.



  1. And the military would promptly turn on the President.

    Remember what bloviating Chris Mathews said when Obama was making a speech at West Point?

  2. The mostly Republican armed services would turn on the President so fast he would not even know what the hell happened.

  3. And there would be no guns to confiscate at my house! Do they think we're that stupid? Hell, I'M not even going to be at my house! I'll be within range of somebody elses' house, though!

  4. preparing the military to turn on the citizens of this nation is exactly why obama should be removed from office

  5. It won't be the military it will be police departments and the TSA who take up arms against Americans, on the orders of the DHS.

  6. As a police officer, my co workers and I will never obey an order to confiscate firearms from any law abiding citizen. There's nothing to worry about.

  7. 9:47 I agree, also I'm sure they are still a little upset that their military write-in votes weren't even counted in critical election states like Virginia. If the corrupt Democratic machines in the cities had actually counted their vote the election results would have been different.

  8. Ya'll are nuts. This isn't about Obama to you idiots, it's about a civil war fantasy in your pea brains. Get a life, crap like you a spewing and perpetuating are what make the country weak, just like your mental capacity.

  9. 11:11 has, quite obviously, NOT been paying attention.

  10. Dear 11:11

    You (Ya'll) are what the communist dictators throughout history refer to as "useful idiots". Your self imposed blindness helps to promote their agenda.

  11. 11:11 AM

    That's what folks in Austria thought too.

  12. 11 11 is partially this goes allot deeper then the useful idiot we call Obama

  13. Most Military are Member's of the Oath Keepers.org and will turn their attention on Obama.

  14. "Internment and Resettlement"?? No comment is neccessary for that one....

  15. Aforementioned post is loosely based on facts.all of us have seen this writing style.The outline contains various factual legislation and important names,but the article itself is basically inaccurate.This technique is called "sensationalism" and should be ignored.


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