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Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Obama: ‘I Cut Spending by Over a Trillion Dollars in 2011’

Appearing on NBCs “Meet the Press” on Sunday, President Barack Obama said that he cut spending by more than $1 trillion in 2011. However, the White House Office of Management and Budget says that federal spending increased by $147 billion from fiscal 2010 to fiscal 2011.

Host David Gregory asked Obama: “Well, you talk about dysfunction in Washington. You signed this legislation setting up the fiscal cliff 17 months ago. How accountable are you for the fact that Washington can't get anything done and that we are at this deadline again?”

Obama responded: "Well, I have to tell you, David, if you look at my track record over the last two years, I cut spending by over a trillion dollars in 2011.



  1. The bottom line with Obama is that he "Has no clue".

  2. He's so delusional that he probably believes that lie!

  3. Facts mean nothing to Obama, if he says something his cult followers believe him and he knows that. The folks with brains know he is lying but they don't vote for him anyway and he doesn't care what they think.

  4. He should of add :"David, if you look at my track record, I tell people what they want to hear and then I do whatever else I like to do. And besides, who cares about the facts."
    Talk is overrated, actions speak volumes.

  5. Nothing but a well honed liar, a class warfare antagonist.
    A racist socialist stealing to give lazy indigent scum the reason to vote for him.

    This joke of a human being is not my President.

  6. Didn't congress approve the spending? Now, for the rest of the story.

  7. liar, liar pants on fire. yes, it's very sad that most clueless citizens actually believe this man.

  8. 24/7/365 "If his lips are moving, he's lying."

    All you need to know.

  9. Has any of you bothered to actually look up these numbers and verify them? No? I didn't think so. If you did more than 10 seconds of research you would see that the numbers are very close to spot on correct. I know it doesn't fit your narrative, but it's reality. You can call him President Obama for another 4 years, folks.

  10. And Jim Ireton wants you to believe he's fiscally responsible as he tried to hike your taxes unnecessarily with support from Laura Mitchell and Shaney Shields.

  11. @12:28
    Where exactly did you verify these "spot on" numbers?

  12. Where exactly did you verify these "spot on" numbers?

    January 1, 2013 2:34 PM


  13. Yeah, 12:28 where exactly did you verify these "spot on numbers" Isn't it kind of odd to see natinal debt rising and it is now at 16.4 trilion dollars, while Obama claims he cut spending?
    Just FYI national debt was 8 trilion in 2009 when Mr. Obama took office, you do the math. Even the 5th grader would know it doubled over the period of last 4 years, so are you dumber than a 5th grader?

  14. 12:28
    You can call him President, but I certainly won't!!!

  15. I wonder where 12:28 had his lobotomy performed.


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