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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Obama Cuts Military Health Benefits

The Obama administration’s proposed defense budget calls for military families and retirees to pay sharply more for their healthcare, while leaving unionized civilian defense workers’ benefits untouched. The proposal is causing a major rift within the Pentagon, according to U.S. officials. Several congressional aides suggested the move is designed to increase the enrollment in Obamacare’s state-run insurance exchanges.

The disparity in treatment between civilian and uniformed personnel is causing a backlash within the military that could undermine recruitment and retention.

The proposed increases in health care payments by service members, which must be approved by Congress, are part of the Pentagon’s $487 billion cut in spending. It seeks to save $1.8 billion from the Tricare medical system in the fiscal 2013 budget, and $12.9 billion by 2017.

Many in Congress are opposing the proposed changes, which would require the passage of new legislation before being put in place.


  1. Why, why, why isn't Obama cutting Medicaid from able-bodied Americans who don't work because they are too lazy and won't work because they get the medical benefits for free? Our active military and retired military and families should be the last to be cut. They are the ones who sacrificed much for their country. Why don't they start with cutting Congress' benefits? And why not cut government workers benefits as well, first and foremost before our military both active and retired?

  2. i thought that the "1st Lady" was looking out for military families. Something is wrong here.

  3. If obamacare is the "big socialist giveaway" that you guys have been screaming about for years, and Obama is attempting to move vets off the current system and into obamacare, then it sounds like he is looking to give vets handouts, not hurt them.

  4. The first lady is just lubing them up for the big one. They only look out for their own..
    They want to shrink the military so that his own little Homland Security army is larger than our own military. That way when the crap hits the fan and the military wont back him he can deal with them too... Wake up folks..

  5. They have already worked the federal employees over, now it's time to work over the military. They didn't touch the military until after the election, hoping for the democrat votes; if the majority of the military went democrat, well, I guess they are getting what they deserved.
    I don't think they will work the military over though. This administration does want to cut the forces down thin, so they just might work them over. A wait and see situation.

  6. "Anonymous said...
    i thought that the "1st Lady" was looking out for military families. Something is wrong here.

    January 30, 2013 at 10:55 AM"

    HaHaHa-Just like she's looking out for fat kids. All the while she's got her head shoved up the butts of Walmart and BigFood executives and "pillowing lobbying" for food entitlement expansions with no limits put on the purchase of unhealthy items.

  7. The goal of the Obama(SOROS) regime is to dishearten, weaken and destroy the USMilitary, and he is succeeding.

  8. 11:06 it's not a handout, it's an Obama hand in your pocket.

  9. Military = "NO" for Obama
    Welfare collector = "YES" for Obama.

    Any questions?

  10. Eh, $170 a month for family coverage sounds reasonable to me (that was from the example of the officer with a family in the article).


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