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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Now Turn In Your Guns!


  1. Won't be no civil war this time. People are like sheep!

  2. Now turn in your impeachment defense.

  3. He can try to take mine personally.

  4. Lets try to get a grip on common sense. People that work for DHS are US. citizens. They live in our communities, their children go to school where your kids go, and they may shop in the same grocery store as you. I don't truly believe that even under Obama's orders, they would turn on their law abiding neighbors. If that were to happen then those DHS employees would have no place to hide. They would still have to get in their cars and go to work and come back home at night. I'm not condoning violence, nor do I ever expect to be violent, however, they are vulnerable to be picked off one at a time.

  5. I am looking at his press conference on cspan right now and they keep showing the audience. There is nothing but GOONS sitting in that audience. When one person claps several seconds later the goons are like puppets and follow suit.

    One question? Isn't there already gun laws?

  6. NRA was absolutely right to call him a hippocrite. Just this week a bill was passed extending Secret Service protection for the children of former Presidents up to the age of 16. So Obama wants his children protected by guns, but you can't defend yourself with them.
    Any time that p*ssy needs something questionable done he has his little patsy Biden do it for him. Everyone says that Obama attacks marrage, so he stays silent during the election and has Biden come out with the pro-gay vote buying speaches, meanwhile claiming that he doesn't have an opinion. Everyone says Obama is going to take guns now and he puts Biden in charge of setting it in motion.
    If someone comes to my house to take my guns, I will give them my bullets instead.

  7. I got an email from the White House, Joe Biden, telling me about the executive orders that were just signed.

    It goes on to ask me to put my name along side his and show support for the ban.

    Here is my email to them:

    No, I will not add my name next to yours. I am against any gun ban and more worthless laws that you yourself has stated would not end or stop killings. If you talked to more people you would find that most do not either. The last poll I looked at had 70% of Americans opposed to a gun ban. But since it is your last terms, maybe you two care even less about what the people, voters, want.

    Even law enforcement, sheriffs, will not enforce the laws you shot out of D.C. An unconstitutional is not a legal law. And as such I, along with many more will not be obeying. This isn't about guns or saving lives. It is about control. Sorry, I will not sacrifice any more of my freedoms to this administration.

    Will the secret service (SS) give up their firearms when they guard you, your wife, the president and his wife, and your children for the rest of your lives?

    Why can't the American people have the same protections?

  8. 4:30, that's sort of naive. I'd like to believe it's true. But the Jews were good Germans. They believed that. The Nazis who went after the Von Trapps, list goes on.

    All went home to their wives and children at the end of the day.

  9. And what caused the good people of Germany to do what they did. The economic situation was so desperate that people had to break their own morals to feed their families. Post WWI Germany saw the 2nd worst inflation in history, so bad that people were burning their money because it produced more heat than the firewood it could buy. If you don't think that can happen here I have 3 words for you. "Trillion Dollar Coin"


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