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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

No One Actually Sells Pig Rectums As ‘Imitation Calamari’

For the last week or so, public radio listeners haven’t been able to look at their deep-fried appetizers quite the same way. That’s because two weekends ago, the WBEZ/PRI program “This American Life” investigated a reader’s tip that in a meat-packing plant somewhere in America, there was a box of pig rectums with the words “Imitation Calamari” printed on the side.
It’s a classic urban legend: equal parts disgusting and kind-of-sort-of plausible. The exact origin was also difficult to pin down: you know, the reader’s cousin’s friend’s sister once dated a guy who worked in a meat-packing plant, and one of his co-workers totally saw a box like that once. Maybe.


  1. One less ingredient to go into scrapple.

  2. "Chittlins and sometimes spelled chitlins are the intestines and rectum of a pig that have been prepared as food. They are a type of offal."

    Source:Wiki Facts-Cookipedia

  3. Many years ago the rectums of pigs were sold as “Parsons noses” printed on the tag at butcher shops. i.e. 1920’s 30’s.


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