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Saturday, January 19, 2013

New York Passed a Gun Control Law So They Could See What Was in It

Earlier this week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo rushed to sign sweeping and extremely restrictive gun control legislation into law. Negotiations were made behind closed doors in the middle of the night, debate was rushed, public input was ignored and the votes were taken. The legislation that was passed only allows New York residents to carry seven bullets in a maximum ten round magazine at a time and requires gun registration. The problem? Cuomo didn't read the bill and failed to notice legislators forgot to exempt law enforcement.

A troubling oversight has been found within New York State's sweeping new gun laws.

The ban on having high-capacity magazines, as it's written, would also include law enforcement officers.

Magazines with more than seven rounds will be illegal under the new law when that part takes effect in March.


  1. Another example of knee-jerk reactions of politicians doing something they later regret ...

  2. what part of shall not be infringed upon do the idiots not understand?

  3. sounds fair to me... I should have the same arms my government has. So, change it back to unlimited round magazines for everyone.

    Pretty simple.

  4. another dumb law. i guess in a mass shooting, you will be charged with murder and also charged with an overloaded clip. i don't think the killers will care.

  5. sounds fair to me... I should have the same arms my government has. So, change it back to unlimited round magazines for everyone.

    Pretty simple.

    January 19, 2013 at 8:51 PM

    Exactly. But of course that is not what the government wants. That would diminish their advantage over us.

  6. Its not the size of your clip. Its about the damage it can do. Maybe you girl scouts can get an enlargement.

  7. When will people learn, it's not the clip, it's not the fancy hollow point round, it's not the gun, it's the PEOPLE! Until they deal with the people problem, they are just playing with their @&& !

  8. Badges don't grant extra rights. If the law says 7rds, then EVERYONE should be held to that standard. That is unless certain citizens are above the law, and we all know that's just not true.

  9. It seems to me that this is the way of our government since obama became president. All proposed bills/legislation should be introduced, discussed in its entirety, compromised as necessary, given public input (since we voted these people into their jobs), voted upon, and sent to the president for signature. With this president, just hurry up and pass what I'm dictating and we'll read and discuss it later AFTER I SIGN IT INTO LAW. That goes against our laws.This administration is liken to a bad doctor...a real quack!


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