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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mr. President, Please Come To Chicago

Another powerful article pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of Barack Obama on the gun issue. The vast majority of gun violence in the country occurs in areas where the citizens are already disarmed and only criminals have guns. The entire concept of trying to stop crazy people or criminals from doing awful things with guns by passing some law that such people will not adhere to anyway is asinine. The question Americans must ask is; if we outlawed guns would we become more like Japan or Mexico? I’d say Mexico, where only the cartels and gangs have them and they terrorize their fellow men and women on a daily basis.

Of course he will not be “coming to Chicago,” it’s so much easier to manipulate people’s emotions on television while reading letters from 3rd graders. From Real Clear Politics:

In Washington on Wednesday, as you rolled out a slate of gun control measures quickly cobbled together in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, you said, “If there is even one thing we can do to reduce this violence, if there is even one life that can be saved, then we’ve got an obligation to try.”



  1. The squeeky wheel doesn't get the grease anymore , the color of your skin dictates what you get and how much.
    He doesn't care about stats. , he cares about the $$$$$$$$ like most left wing nuts.

  2. "Mr. President, Please Come To Chicago"

    HaHaHa-too funny! He ain't going to Chicago. It's blacks killing blacks. He could care less how many blacks kill each other. He's knows he's got their vote no matter. It's the WHITE rich kids he's concerned about. It's the WHITE parents this brother's concerned about. He knows all he's got to do is throw the black community a bone to chew on in the form of an entitlement once in the while and they won't say a word.

  3. actually 721, maybe you should realize that many black folk in these communities are actually looking to hold the perps. and their local officials accountable for cleaning up this mess. The pres. can't be a dad to the thousands of violent youth or make a parent actually raise a respectable child.

  4. Don't give me that crap 10:07. The president of all people should be a role model and not glorify violence himself which he does by associating with the makers of violent movies and so called artists who glorify not only violence but drug use and anti social behaviour in music.
    At this point in time anyone would be crazy to even want Obama as a "dad" figure anyway. A real "dad" esp of daughter would not ever associate with other men who call females hoes and the c-word like he does. And his wife is even more gross for not calling him out on it and allowing it to continue. He taught her so well to keep her mouth shut and she listens like an obeying mindless lump.

  5. 10:07 the mess needs to be cleaned up by the community which if Obama were honest he would say. Once the "perps" and it's in the hands of local officials it's too late because the damage has been done in the form of body counts.
    The president could and should have a role in the lack of moral behaviour that contributes to not only crime but also poverty.
    He's deafening silent on these issues. Once in the while he mentions the same old tired "it's discrimination" excuse. Black community falls for it. It's not. The major problems facing black communities are their dysfunction created solely by themselves.

  6. lol, funny. Seems I recall liberals being up in arms not too long ago precisely because the pres. did exactly what you are calling for. Go figure. 1028, the anti-jayz rants are just getting to be a bore. Come back when you have actually done some research on the man besides watching 30 seconds of BET.

  7. Obama is a"Chicago Gangster" plain and simple.

  8. Obama is a sell out to the black race plain and simple. Oh yeah he does throw them bones in the form of entitlements to make them think he cares about them but he doesn't care. He will always be popular and supported by them no matter. It's the white rich people he caters to so they will support him. He fawns and bends over backwards to woo them. It was so obvious in this address the other day. I mean seriously how many blacks are really concerned with wind energy and gay rights? I doubt very seriously if where Obama won hugh majorities in the inner cities that those people's main concerns are global warming. That was supposed to be an address to the nation and it was more of an attempt to secure praise from those he may have failed somewhat first term and was trying to make amends.
    He's failed the black communites terribly and still continues to fail them by not even giving them the courtesy of a mention in his address on Monday.


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