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Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Mom Goes Viral With Son's Phone Code Of Conduct

Janell Burley Hofmann honored her 13-year-old son's "maturity and growth" at Christmas with his first iPhone, but it came with strings attached.

Eighteen strings, to be exact, in a written code of conduct that placed the mommy blogger at the center of the debate over how parents should handle technology in the hands of their teens, especially younger ones just entering the frenetic world of social networks and smartphones.

Thousands of people, including those bemoaning too much helicopter parenting, commented and shared the funny, heartfelt agreement posted at the holiday by the Cape Cod, Mass., mom of five. The interest crashed her website and led her to appear with her eldest, Gregory, on morning TV.

Hofmann's first order of business: "1. It is my phone. I bought it. I pay for it. I am loaning it to you. Aren't I the greatest?"



  1. It's now been 46 years since a high schooler ran a sub 4 minute mile.At this rate it may never happen again,but that goes for any sport or endeavor non inclusive of technology.In sports for instance,more and more kids would prefer to sit on the bleachers texting through the entire event.The only time they look up is when everyone starts yelling and cheering,indicating a score.They would prefer to remain fragile,non athletic and tech savvy.I even see people as old as myself addicted to tecgnology.

  2. At last! Parents that actually care enough about their teen to set limits.

  3. The mile has been run in under 4 minutes by a 13thing year old in the last two weeks


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