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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Md. Couple Getting Married in N.O. Gets Super Bowl Surprise

A couple planning to get married the weekend of the Super Bowl in New Orleans on their 12th anniversary has gotten the surprise of a lifetime -- tickets to the game.

WBAL-TV 11 News met Jim Pellegrini and Daisy Sudano earlier this week. The couple met at a Ravens-Giants Super Bowl party 12 years ago and, years later, agreed they wouldn't get married until the Ravens returned to the Super Bowl.

Since the Ravens solidified their spot in the title game, the couple has been busy making wedding plans to elope in New Orleans over the Super Bowl weekend. The couple said they had plans to just watch the game on TV.



  1. im thinking the guy was guessing the ravens would never get back (or move out of town in the middle of the night again!)

  2. Sell the tickets.. good downpayment on a house...lol

  3. It's a cute story but they should take 1:55's advice.


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