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Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Male Hangs Self At Rt. 12 Pizza

Salisbury News has learned an adult male has hung himself at the Rt. 12 Pizza business on Snow Hill Rd. 


  1. Was it the owner Tony? or a worker?

  2. Please do not let this be Tony!!! My heart is frozen waiting for an answer.

  3. My prayers to Nicole and Tony's family!!

  4. Someone at a business next door has confirmed but wont give a name untill the Police release the info.

  5. Tony was the nicest guy and the most wonderful host. This is sooo sad:(

  6. What a shame...he was such a nice guy and made the best pizza in town.

  7. May God comfort his family.

  8. Hopefully his family gets all the support and love they need. Working a few buildings away, we spoke every now and then. Only good words were exchanged. Very unfortunate.

  9. Wow this is crazy just saw him the other week

  10. Was it john capele cant spell hislast name sorry.

  11. It was the Owner. It seems that Mike Lewis went there at lunch time and found the doors locked. He apparently knows the owner and his wife. Lewis called the wife who said that the door shouldn't have been locked. She went to the bizness and met Lewis. They opened the door and found the owner hanging.

  12. Was It little john or big john? Prayers sending ur way

  13. it used to be called tony's pizza almost 20 years ago but i thought the owners name was john who formally worked at tony's pizza in oc

  14. Salisbury News has confirmed it was the Owner. Our thoughts and prayers are with his Family.

  15. Very, very sad.

    May God comfort this poor family.

  16. Loved going in his business. Made the best Cheesestake around. Like to support his business because he was a local and always greeted me by my first name. And he was a nice guy. We talk about cars, motorcycles, whatever. RIP Tony.

  17. This is awful the wife was divorcing him and the business was slow I just wish he didn't end it like this :(

  18. Prayers to Nicole and family...

  19. God Bless Nichole, their son, and Tony's mother. This is such sad news for a local business owner to end his life like this.
    Tony was always so nice and wanted to please his customers.

  20. It's so sad to hear this kind of news. I knew Tony for a long time. My thoughts and prayers are with his family :(

  21. Rest in peace Tony. Best cheesesteak in town!!! I'm from DC and come to salisbury often to visit family and I Lways stop at Rt 12. He sure was nice.

  22. This just sucks. RIP Bro.

  23. R.I.P.. Brother God bless Marget Little T and Nicole all of his family. Was a good man help me more then once
    im going to miss you bro
    your grill cook
    Big John Carmean

  24. RIP gonna miss u, Tony; always a kind word, always a friend to me. You will be missed.

  25. I hpoe that people will remember that Tony's family (especially his child) may be reading this. They are grieving. Keep your coments reslectful or keep them to yourself!

  26. This is so sad. I feel a sense of loss and barely knew him. May he find peace & God rest his soul.

  27. So so sad! Now his son has no father, his family suffers for a cowards way out. I'm sorry, there is help out there for troubled people, whether its marital, financial, or Drugs, he coulda ask for help. I liked Tony, thought he was a great guy, I'm sad for his family!


  29. 8:32
    you are exactly right. not many people may agree with you on here. hard to feel for a man who would willingly take a father away from his own son. i cant imagine anything in the world that would be so bad that i would do this to myself and leave my daughter without a father. very sad for the family, but still.....

  30. 8:32, Shut up and stop calling him a coward. Sometimes people in that state of mind don't even think to ask for help. They make the decision quickly. It's happened twice in my family and we really don't know why. Yes, there is help but don't assume anything about his decision. My heart goes out to his family.

  31. Its hard to ask for help when your not even thinking clearly enough to know you can...

  32. If you have comments of condolence for the family, make them or send a sympathy card. Otherwise, this is not a forum for who understands why people commit suicide and who doesn't think they ever could. Maybe it's time to change the post to a statement of the death and condolences/prayers from Salisbury News. End the comments.

  33. Such a wonderful family and such a great tragedy. I have know Nicole and her mom for a long time and that family have toughed it through a lot of things. God be with them. They are such fine folks and my dad died when I was young so my heart goes out to his son as well but I know that Nicole will raise him as best as he can be and help him never to forget his dad.

  34. great person , so sad he felt this was the only way out , rip

  35. I will not shut up, thank you! He has someone to answer to, but who has answers for his son?, wife?, and other family and friends?? He had so many friends, he coulda got help, or maybe they were the wrong kinda friends! Again, I'm sorry for his family, and his caring friends! Maybe this will open some eyes and get some of his friends help!!!

  36. 9:22, maybe you were asked to shut up because you were saying hateful things that the family does NOT need to hear right now. Think about it.

    1. Agreed and well stated! Do you think his son wants to read your rants about what YOU think?!?!?! As stated in a previous post, be repectful in your comments or keep rhem to yourself!

  37. Sometimes I can almost understand why something like this happens. As the owner of a business myself and seeing how the economy has gone in the hopper with the financial mess that Washington has caused, it's sad that someone who worked so hard in life to keep his business running turns this direction. Remember Donnie Williams earlier this year - another very smart business man who apparently was dealing with lots of issues. Life is hard now and not getting any easier I am afraid. RIP Tony.

  38. Tony was a good soul, he always had a kind word for me, this is a huge loss for our community. Very sad indeed....

  39. Not trying to be hurtful, simply making a statement. Not trying to get in a pissing match either! I thought Tony was an excellent business man, very personable, always wanting to make sure you were satisfied as a customer, always had a story. :( Of course, we may never know why.....but again, his family is left with a huge void, one that can't be filled, only time will ease their pain.
    God Is Good.......
    All The Time........

  40. There is help out there if you can wait for 4 to 7 months. mental health workers have been steadily leaving this area for the bigger cities to make more money.

    Unless you have tried you should keep your comments to yourself, I sought help myself and after my appointments were consistantly canceled, I waited 7 months.

    Thanks to friends and family for calling to make sure I was Ok, I made it.

    Some of you know it all's just comment to see yourself comment, while all along you know nothing involving the circumstances.

    There is a lot of hate in this world today, and karma is here to return it.

  41. this so sad, he make the best pizza in town, sadly miss.

  42. Does he have a sister? mom and dad left in the area as well?

  43. Suicides are always sad to hear about. My saying is that it is an unnecessary & permanent long-term solution to a reparable & temporary problem.

  44. experts on depression are flapping their gums I see. He should have pulled himself up by his boot straps right? Depression is not something that can be understood or explained in a 30 second sound bite.

    You don't know what was going thru his head, or anything else. Shush and go back reading your magazine.

  45. Unless you have heath insurance there is little help. and even if you have it they may not pay.

  46. Anon 11:53 - Whatever was "going thru (sic) his head", suicide was definitely NOT the ultimate & irreversible solution to stop it from going "thru" it.

  47. So very sad! Tragic for the family! Was it just a wife and one child? I think I might know his mother as well but not sure if this is the same family. I moved away a while ago but went to Parkside with I thought his sister. Am I thinking of the right family here? Anyone know any more information? Breaks my heart either way

  48. Is there a connection to Tony Russo from OC who had Tony's there and in Salisbury at one time. His right hand man was Pancho.

  49. R.I.P. Tony,, you will be missed, loved Rt 12. Such a nice person. God be with him and his family

  50. to post 8:32

    Hard you cant imagine...You are not him, maybe he could not see a reason to keep on without his wife. Some love and feel loss deeper than others and dont want to live on in pain.

  51. Tony was a lovely soul who only had kind things to say to others. He made everyone feel welcome and special. May God Bless his soul. Our thoughts are with Nicole and TJ.

  52. Andy In OC said...
    Anon 11:53 - Whatever was "going thru (sic) his head", suicide was definitely NOT the ultimate & irreversible solution to stop it from going "thru" it.

    January 3, 2013 12:08 PM

    What does (sic) mean? And why are you putting thru in quotes? You don't like the variant of through? You think it's misspelled?

    How would you know which solution was best for him? I'm quite sure you nor anyone else on here knew all or probably any of the details that are associated with this man, who CHOSE to do this.

    Opinions are fine. Some truly do not believe in suicide. They think the person is weak, a coward or whatever other derogatory term they chose to name the person.

    No one except him knows what was going "THRU" his head or how long it was going thru his head.

    Or if he sought help or not or if he got help and it failed.

    You, me nor anyone else knows the definitive reasons or solutions for his decision to commit suicide. So please don't try to come across as knowing any more than anyone else because quite frankly, you don't.

    It's a personal tragedy for his family and those that knew him. And that's about it. A few days from now most will have forgotten about this.

    Have a nice day.

  53. Hard you cant imagine...You are not him, maybe he could not see a reason to keep on without his wife. Some love and feel loss deeper than others and dont want to live on in pain.

    January 3, 2013 1:03 PM

    That's right. Some think everyone else should be just as they are. Feel just as they do. Think just as they do. Etc.

    Thankfully, most do not.

  54. And to those of you that call people cowards who commit suicide, does that include our soldiers too?

    That have had more suicides and combat deaths this year. 177 to 176. I guess they didn't know help was available either.

  55. 12:33, he's not related to tony russo or from tony's pizza in o.c. he bought the tony's restaurant on show hill rdfrom someone else and named it rt. 12 pizza.

  56. No!!!! TONY... NO!!!
    My friend you are and will be so missed. Our hearts, thoughts & prayers go out to your entire family - Lil T, your mom, your sister and Nichole. Tony will always be remembered for his genuine, kind and compassionate heart. As a local business owner we would sit, laugh & talk about Lil T & his camero. While in town I went out of my way to stop by and "see Tony" and he ALWAYS went out of his way to bring a smile to my day! Oh, Tony... may your soul finally be at peace, my friend. What a special gift and blessing you were to our community! I am so grateful to have known you and I will miss you so much!
    May Lil T always cherish the love & pride his dad had for him. May the special memories you all created carry you through life.
    - A Devastated Friend in Salisbury

  57. Tony you will be missed........

  58. Someone asked earlier about family, I believe his sister is Angie King. She graduated from Parkside years ago. Saw her recently for a reunion. And, he is survived by his mother as well. Such a sad situation. My heart goes out to all who knew Tony.

  59. At 8:32, what a wonderful note. He was a very nice and special man. My heart is breaking knowing that he was dealing with something that had to end like that. RIP Tony!

  60. I am cwry sad to hear. I was there on December 28. My sons birthday was on the 30th and he wanted a pizza form there. We talked and he ask me how my family was doing. I feel so sad for his family. I pray in time tell will have peace in there hearts. RIP Tony. May god be there for all of you love ones.


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