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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lost Dogs: UPDATE


It worked! We found them....several people called to tell me that they saw them on Sbynews and that they were in the University area. Cannot thank you (and all the readers) enough for your help. 

We lost two dogs around 8:15pm tonight and are worried because of the temperature. They have never run away before and I am hoping that someone may have taken them in for the night and reads your blog as often as I do. Lost Dog 1: Mogley, grey and white Malamute, 70lbs, 5 years old, Microchipped
Lost Dog 2: Cody, black Lab, 80lbs, 2 years old, not chipped
Neither were wearing collars and escaped out of our yard in the Covered Bridge/Tony Tank area.
My cell number is 443-520-5880.


  1. We live near there and will keep our eyes open for these sweeties.

  2. FIRST...I would hug them both...feed them and call you last. :) So sweet!

  3. WooHoo-So happy they were found!

  4. Our cat ran away last night, it was a new kitty from the humane society. My wife and I prayed and she returned home about 15 minutes later, thank the Lord. Praying for you, hang in there, I know they are like family.

  5. Yeah another happy ending.

  6. 2:44 I am so happy your kitty came home and am also thrilled because it's obvious how much you love your "pound" kitty. I can feel the love through your comment. She's lucky to have been adopted by such wonderful caring "parents." :)

  7. Happy happy for the dogs

    and the pound kitty too!


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