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Thursday, January 10, 2013


The NFL’s Washington Redskins will be forced to change its name to something less offensive and more politically correct, radio giant Rush Limbaugh is predicting.

“The Redskins are gonna have to change the name of the team. That’s what’s gonna happen,” Limbaugh said on Wednesday’s program. “We’re gonna have to acknowledge that that’s the direction everything’s headed, and the pressure is now being brought to bear. … The Redskins are ultimately going to cave and change the name of the team. That’s my prediction.”

Limbaugh was reacting to a column by Washington Post writer Courtland Milloy, who suggested the team’s lack of post-season success and its knee injury to star quarterback Robert Griffin III was nothing more than “bad karma” for using the name “Redskins,” a term some feel is racist or demeaning toward Native Americans.



  1. I think the Native Americans might like the name. I like the fighting Irish. Time to stop being so PC.

  2. They gonna change all the schools sports teams names' from 'warriors' to something "less offensive"?

    I call your pc and raise you thick skin.

  3. How about the Capitol Cripples thats catchy and factual.

  4. How about the Poverty Ridden Drunken Native Americans. Or the Casino Indians.

    Is that more pc?

  5. If they call it ForeSkins, would Joe Biden then be afforded?

  6. They should name them Snyder’s Follies!!

  7. With Obama in we could call them the "High Yellows", "Big Spenders", "Liars", "Socialists", or "Gun Grabbers"!

  8. The weakest name I've seen is The Green Terrors of McDaniel College in Westminster.

  9. Rush Limbaugh is a blow hard who offends minorities and women on his show DAILY. Sorry if I laugh at the though of him being "offended" by this. Also, "REDSKINS" is absolutely a defamatory term for Native Americans. A modern comparison would be calling a team the "Brownskins" or "Whiteskins" based on ethnic origin. Textbook racial profiling.

  10. "radio giant"? thats funny.

  11. 915-Limbaugh signed a 400 million dollar contract. I never listen to the guy, but that's giant money.

    It's a racist name, the only way it gets changed is if the gov't puts pressure on the team, since the team doesn't own the land that FedEx Field is on.

  12. What the hell has happened to this country?

  13. What the hell has happened to this country?

    January 11, 2013 10:26 AM

    We screwed up

  14. They've been trying to force them to change their name since the fifties and sixties it'll never happen

  15. How come Indians think its a racist name & cowboys are proud of the football team in Dallas?
    I think Indians should feel honored.


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