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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Lazy Jon Stewart

Oh, dear. Jon Stewart took on the platinum coin, and made a hash of it — he faceplanted, as Ryan Cooper says.

What went wrong? Jon Chait says that he flunked econ, but that’s just part of it. He also flunked law, politics, and just plain professional.

So, yeah, as Chait says, Stewart seems weirdly unaware that there’s more to fiscal policy than balancing the budget. But in this case he also seems unaware that the president can’t just decide unilaterally to spend 40 percent less; he’s constitutionally obliged to spend what the law tells him to spend. True, he’s also constitutionally prohibited from borrowing more if Congress says he can’t — which is a contradiction. But that’s the whole point of the discussion.


  1. I use to like these fools but they have went so far left, and if
    you ask me Anti American and Pro every other country that's its not even funny anymore.

  2. All that show is about is the Left wing agenda.

  3. I thought Jon was funny and liked his show. Buttttttt, sometimes he goes too far and in the wrong direction.

    Aren't you a little old to be playing the silly fool Jon?

  4. Jon is not funny.He needs to move on.It would seem as though when his ratings tanked his show would be cancelled,but he's just like Jason.He keeps coming back.


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