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Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Komen MD Facing Donation Shortfall; Could Cut Programs By April

It is one of the biggest fundraising events of its kind.

The Race for the Cure is about winning against breast cancer.

Most local events are as big as the New York City Marathon.

But it's the stories and triumphs of individuals that make this event one that makes people willing to give.

But the story for Komen in 2012 was told a different way.

In February the national organization at cutoff funding for breast cancer screening to planned Parenthood after coming under political pressure.



  1. Once they started playing politics it shone a big light on the organization and how little actually goes to research. $400,000 salaries is a lot of money not going to research.
    There are better places to donate.

  2. Women expressed their reaction to Komen through their pocketbooks. I know I did.

  3. Now I get a bad taste in my mouth every time I see a pink ribbon.

    Where is a statement saying they are cutting salaries?

  4. "Attention all you ladies out there! The Cook Family is now providing mammograms!!! We can offer a sliding scale fee for lower income earners. When you need a mammogram, I hope you will call us.... we will then use a phone book or online directory to refer you to a hospital in your area where this vital health screening can be done. What?? Huh?? What do you mean that is not the same thing as actually PROVIDING mammograms?? Isn't it the same thing???"
    Planned Parenthood says it is the same...

  5. Support Women Supporting Women locally.

  6. You are so right 2:14, stop supporting these corporations disguised as charities.


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