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Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Kentucky Man Defends His Racist Roadside Effigy Of A Watermelon-Holding Obama



  1. What can you expect from a redneck with a house on wheels. I didn't vote for him, but this is just sad.

  2. At least for now he still has freedom of speech, but then again he is not being Politicly Correct, so he will have to take it down. After all you can't speak the truth anymore, nor anything about your personal thoughts, your not being PC. It is a crying shame what America has become. Everyone is afraid of offending someones feelings. Even you Joe, you won't publish the none PC comments here......

  3. Wow.. That's a guy who needs ObamaCare the most

  4. 9:54,

    That effigy speaks to an underlying, nasty bigotry. That's what it's about. Sure he's got a first amendment right to display that horrible thing, but the rest of us have a right to ridicule his idiocy, and call him on his overt racism. It's sick and antiquated, and we, as a nation, should be better than such garbage. You wouldn't agree with that?

  5. 12:32 let me ask you you don't see a dubble standard. I know I sure do . I see blacks do it all the time . I see liberals do it all the time. Do you speak out when this happens? I get sick of your hipacrit BS as far as I'm consernd PC is dead in 2013

  6. I think it's great that he feels confident enough in his belifes to display it out there for all to laugh at him or with him. He is not afraid to speak his mind, rather you agree with it or not, this is what makes America great, you can still speak your mind and make statements that are Racest, so what, that is his view of the Pres. Look at the drawings and cartoons of Pres. Bush, if a black guy drew them would he be called Racest?, probably not, but let a white guy express his oppinion and he is a Racest...

  7. Gotta love the trailer in the background

  8. I would rather live in a trailer than in section 8 housing ANY DAY!

  9. 100% correct 127.

  10. Probably the same guy who burned the Kuran.

  11. It's not a trailer, it's a mobile home.

  12. The word "racism" anymore is a joke. The word by being overused, has turned meaningless. Jackson and Sharpton use it to describe everything they don't like as do groups like the Congressional Black Caucus.
    Another example would be OJ Simpson. Only a moron would ever think he didn't murder those people. Cochran knew all he had to do was mention race and the 11 black jurors would throw out whatever honor they had and follow the leader.


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