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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Its Cold


  1. It doesn't get much colder than that.

  2. If it was that mayor that got caught running from the cops on that Delaware beach he was probably playing pocket pool. Or thinking about going to the ladies room at Mojo's.

  3. As long as we divide ourselves with terms like "democrat" or "republican" and stop questioning why there is only two major parties, we will always be slaves.

  4. I used to be a Democrat but since I'm alot smarter than the overwhelming majority of them I was able to see the BS going on.

    Take for instance, corporate taxes. The mega corps love it and they don't want it to be eliminated. They aren't really paying it anyway because it's passed on to comsumers. Why the mega corps like it, is because it eliminates competition specfically smaller business that can't afford it. Mega corps love regulation and fees also. Again helps to eliminate competition.
    The Republicans realize this but everytime they mention doing away with corp tax the Democrats start with stuff like they are rewarding their big corp buddies and the stupid Democrat sheeple voters fall hook line and sinker for this line of BS. The reality is it's the Democrats who bow all fall to big business.
    In a way it's mind boggling how easily the Democratic voters are fooled and can so readily fall for BS but when you look at the public school system you can understand.
    They don't teach children to think anymore in public schools. It's all memorization and indoctrination.

  5. Bottom line is this country is so far from what the founding fathers wanted that we aren't able to find ourselves if we turned around. Honesty used to be highly valued, and the people the country elected really stood for something....for the good of God and country. Now all they stand for is themselves and how much money can they line their accounts with while smiling and kissing babies and making fools of people with values.

  6. Big corporations are totally behind the EPA and the other regulatory agencies. It is their way to eliminate any competitiors without violating anti trust. When they say differently they are lying.
    The figured out this angle when anti trust/monopoly laws were put in place and competitors where coming out of the woodwork.

  7. I to was a Democrat up untill 2 years ago and i'am 72


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