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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Insurers To White House: Delay ObamaCare Or Risk "Chaos"

With eight months left until million of Americans are supposed to begin shopping at online markets created by the Obamacare 'tax' law, the insurance industry is concerned at the government's lack of readiness. Bloomberg reports that Jim Donelon, the head of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, suggested that President Obama may need to delay the implementation of the health-care overhaul or "risk chaos" when the subsidized plans go on sale later this year. While it is clear that the administration has shown no sign of seeking a delay, Donelon notes that "...to rush into implementation before it's ready would not be in the President's best interest."


  1. Repeal it. Make it private industry across state lines, and get employers out of the insurance brokerage business. They are not licensed for that anyway!

  2. Chaos is exactly what the imposter wants.

  3. The whole thing is going to implode anyway. Let the chaos begin.
    Let EVERYBODY (even the most uninformed and ignorant) see what an incompetent bunch of people are running this country.

  4. Order out of chaos, planned demise


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