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Thursday, January 03, 2013

Inside Obama's Kailua Beach Vacation Homes

With the fiscal cliff averted at last on New Year's Day, President Barack Obama returned to his vacation spot on Kailua Beach in Oahu, Hawaii Wednesday morning for some much-needed R & R. Obama had previously cut the vacation short to deal with the fiscal crisis.

With the fiscal cliff averted at last on New Year's Day, President Barack Obama returned to his vacation spot on Kailua Beach in Oahu, Hawaii Wednesday morning for some much-needed R & R. Obama had previously cut the vacation short to deal with the fiscal crisis.

Each U.S. president has found his own way to unwind from the stresses of leading the free world, including Harry Truman, who once called the White House the "crown jewel of the federal penal system" because he felt so confined there. Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush both escaped to ranches out west.



  1. BO's pad is just around the bend from the Marine Corp air base -- wonder if they would save him from danger?

  2. 4:50, I should hope so, it is their sworn duty. But it seems like that doesn't mean much to folks like you these days.

  3. Why can't this spending freak go to Camp David or his home in Chicago? We have not had a worse financial system since the Great Depression --- and brought on by HIM (not Bush)! He should "sacrifice" and do his "fair share" to cut his own spending and to cut spending and prosecute fraudulent abuse of the welfare system. If he doesn't -- he's a RACIST!

  4. Really? I thought Bush was in office in September 2012.

  5. Alex you make some really stupid comments. They just blame Bush. Wake up hes been gone for 4 years and your buddy Obammie can't seem to get his head out of his own behind.

  6. Markets doubled, unemployment at lowest since 2008. One useless war is over. And much much more. All that with a congress hijacked bt teabagger crazies.

    7:27 sorry that my stating the fact upsets you. I forgot about the fact free conservative bubble. Perhaps it was someon else in office when this recession started.

  7. Alex:
    Problem with you is that your "facts" are just plain wrong.

  8. Alex, Some "facts" for ya-The market is an illusion. It's falsely propped up by quantitive easing. This is similar to the propped up false housing boom of a few years ago. Both democratic "policies" doomed for failure.
    The Iraq war was going to be over regardless due to a treaty signed by Bush requiring US troops to be out of Iraq by Dec 31 2011. So please stop repeating that utter and complete falsehood that it was Obama's doing-becaue the FACT is it wasn't.
    Unemployment is far from lower-FAR. Fact--- unemployment figures only reflect those currently collecting. It doesn't reflect those whose benefits have run out.
    If Obama and the dems were honest they would have those people
    counted and included, but as long as they have people like Alex who can't think critically and jumps on board to whatever they say, they are secure in their positions.

  9. "Alex said...
    Markets doubled"

    All due to day trading (and QE) and not investor actions. Never ever a good thing. You are being fooled Alex and falling for it hook line and sinker.


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