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Thursday, January 17, 2013

In Just One Month, The NRA Has Torpedoed Its Reputation

The overall favorability rating of the NRA has plunged in the last month, putting its image in a negative light for the first time.

 In separate polls conducted by Public Policy Polling and the Washington Post/ABC News, the association's favorability ratings sit underwater with the majority of Americans. 

The PPP poll shows a big shift from before CEO Wayne LaPierre's press conference, which cast blame on the media, and violent video games and movies for the elementary-school massacre in Newtown, Conn., last month. Before the press conference, 48 percent of Americans viewed the organization in a positive light, compared with 41 percent who viewed it unfavorably. 



  1. no surprise here. the msm tries to carry obama's water and they have always hated the 2nd amendment. the nra is a great organization and if we don't wake up we will have all weapons confiscated and you will not be able to defend yourself against any lawbreaker or a tyrannical government. not to mention hunting for food you won't be able to get at the supermarkets. you figure it out. don't remain naive and clueless. read the "tea leaves". it's very clear.

  2. Self inflicted gunshot to the head. No pity for the tone deaf here.

  3. And the polling places will pick and choose those who will give them the answers they are looking for. I worked for years in market research and I know how to play that game. There are certain segments of people they target for them the numbers they are looking for. How about the amount of new members they have added in the past month? Its mind boggling.

  4. PPP is usually a biased pollster.
    Daily Kos' favorite.

  5. This is interesting in that the membership in this group continues to rise at a record breaking pace - exceeded only by the number of new gun owners. Sounds like someone has made up a bunch of stuff to start a war of wits, though they're unarmed.

  6. The polls and media are flat out liars....their feeding you kool-aid via propaganda! The NRA memberships are growing with leaps and bounds setting records...they've grown by over 250,000 in just the past few weeks!

  7. 5:17 you are CORRECT!!! Completely tone deaf!!

  8. The MSM as got to understand that many of us still have the ability to think and comprehend on our own. A quarter million new and new gun sales numbers show that this story is false.

  9. Can we tax ammo and guns enough to pay for all those school guards?

  10. I worked in marketing for an international corporation whose products are in everyone's home just about worldwide. We hired polling companies and when you hire these companies it's not free reign polling. You stipulate what demographics and even political leanings you are looking for. Like for instance when we were looking to market environmentally friendly products we had them poll the overwhelmingly democratic Northern Virginia area.
    Don't be so naive as to think the Wash Post/ABC poll wasn't geared mostly toward democratics specifically ones who actual do vote which is listed on voter registration lists.

  11. 5:36 is correct. 250,000 new members and no reports of wide spread defections.

  12. Guess you Ronney supporters are all experts on polls now.

  13. This always happens when you poll liberals! The TRUTH is:
    The NRA has registered more than a quarter of a million members in the last month.
    I would urge everyone to join.


  14. LOL

    i just signed up for a lifetime membership for only $300.00, it's usually $1000.00!! And NO sponsorship needed!!

    yeah libz

    go choke yourselves

    if anybody needs the phone number say so

  15. The main stream media is the fourth branch of government. The branches are as follows: propaganda, legislative, judicial and executive. 250k new members to an organization in as little as a month and the have tarnished their reputation...really? If you tell a big enough lie and repeat it often enough, people will believe.

  16. Good... They can stop buying politicians

  17. "Anonymous said...
    Guess you Ronney supporters are all experts on polls now.

    January 17, 2013 at 7:19 PM"

    As a matter of fact yes I am an expert on polling and the fact is yes, the contratee most often gives specific demographics as to whom they would like polled.
    The truth sucks doesn't it 7:19? Maybe you need to get out from under a rock and go and see how the real world works?

  18. It's funny how NRA members are bailing like rats on a sinking ship under the pressure.Badass Tom Selleck will be their next casualty.He's one of their most famous members,but spineless nonetheless.At a time when the NRA needs to muster all of the courage they can get they are wilting and dropping like flies.No one stands for anything anymore.


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