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Sunday, January 27, 2013


The Department of Homeland Security is seeking to acquire 7,000 5.56x45mm NATO “personal defense weapons” (PDW) — also known as “assault weapons” when owned by civilians. The solicitation, originally posted on June 7, 2012, comes to light as the Obama administration is calling for a ban on semi-automatic rifles and high capacity magazines.

Citing a General Service Administration (GSA) request for proposal (RFP), Steve McGough of RadioViceOnline.com reports that DHS is asking for the 7,000 “select-fire” firearms because they are “suitable for personal defense use in close quarters.” The term select-fire means the weapon can be both semi-automatic and automatic. Civilians are prohibited from obtaining these kinds of weapons.

The RFP describes the firearm as “Personal Defense Weapon (PDW) – 5.56x45mm NATO, select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense use in close quarters and/or when maximum concealment is required.” Additionally, DHS is asking for 30 round magazines that “have a capacity to hold thirty (30) 5.56x45mm NATO rounds.”



  1. As quick as they are trying to disarm "we the people", limit ammo capacity, implement laws (MORE laws, actually) to ban possession of weapons by citizens convicted of MISDEMEANORS for LIFE(!!), and outlaw ammunition types, THEY are steadily arming THESELVES and buying ammo that THEY claim has no use but to inflict maximum damage to a human, using weapons that THEY say should only be used on a battlefield. So the obvious question is WHAT battlefield does Homeland Security and the GSA (WTF??) plan on being involved in? The General Services Administration? Really?? Before you sheep bust out the "tin-foil hat" stuff (sounds SO intellectually superior to you), ANSWER THE QUESTION.

  2. They want to use them against the American people and the soft hearted liberals are to stupid to see this.

  3. when the financial crisis hits (possibly 2nd half of 2013) obama will declare martial law. some citizens have given up their guns by now, but there are those who are patriots and understand what the 2nd amendment says and means; these are the people the government will come after with their weapons; not the criminal, but law abiding gun owners. does anyone get this yet? my timing may be off, but i think the scenario is likely.
    pray for our nation and for our families.

  4. January 27, 2013 at 1:43 PM

    I think your timing is right on the money. Wake up America!

  5. It's to protect our homeland from it's enemies... And if you will remember, Ob' classifies anyone who does not agree with him as an enemy.

  6. 1:13 PM

    You don't have a clue.

  7. 5:28 is the one without a clue!

  8. So 5:28-"You don't have a clue" is your answer to question that 1:13 asks of you? It's a no-brainer. Do you even have the capability to think logically? Sorry-that's two more questions you can't answer. I didn't mean to add to your confusion.

  9. 1:13...a clue?? have you been asleep for the last ten years? Don't read much? Or just a cop afraid to say your name? As far asAFTER you answer the question i a clue is concerned, I'm afraid you would need a whole damn BOOK of clues to even get a hint. Answer the question and TRY to come up with a better retort than "you don't have a clue"....again, since I know you posted the same lame line in another thread, use your name you sissy...After you answer the question you CANNOT answer with any integrity or honesty...

  10. t 9:56 PM

    you still don't have a clue.

  11. Well then 8:06:
    Why is the Government trying to take away our weapons while arming themselves by hoarding weapon's and ammo on our dime?

  12. t 9:13 AM

    They have been 'armed' for a couple hundred years loser. They hoarding them so you can't get them and hurt your little self. Fool.

  13. And 8:06 STILL hasn't answered the question. Though promted to, the best he's got is the "you have no clue". LOL. Just answer the question. GIVE me a clue.


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