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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

I Saw A Movie Once…


  1. WOW! Very blunt and violently graphic means of attempting to get the point across, but you know what? It worked with me and I get the point and realize that sometimes this is the manner in which you need to vividly get a point across to the public in order for them to fully comprehend.

  2. Too true.. That iswhere we are headed if O'b has his way..

  3. Is that some of Obamas bullies ,this will soon be happening in a town near you.

  4. Quick! Grab all of your guns and ammo! Head to the woods! Build a little lean to so you can take cover. Do not come out until we come to get you. Stay there! We will let you know when it is safe.

  5. That is Obama... Eric Holder, and Dumb A%% Biden there in the photo.

  6. Yup. be ready, turn off the cell phone, arrange paper and pencil communication. The revolution will not be televised. electronics are out.

  7. Yup. be ready, turn off the cell phone, arrange paper and pencil communication. The revolution will not be televised. electronics are out.

    January 9, 2013 8:56 PM

    Go on internet and find out how to coat and store your weapons underground until time to use them.

    Keeping at least one for home defense.


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