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Wednesday, January 02, 2013

House Pulls Plug On Sandy Aid Bill

House Republicans abruptly pulled the plug Tuesday night on their promise to take up this week an emergency supplemental disaster aid bill for Northeast states damaged by Hurricane Sandy.

The decision is a stunning reversal since just hours before New Jersey lawmakers were preparing for floor debate Wednesday as outlined under a strategy promoted by no less than Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.).

Indeed the Appropriations Committee had gone so far as to file a $27 billion bill Tuesday together with an amendment to be offered by Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.) seeking an additional $33 billion to match the Senate passed package of last week. 



  1. Republicans trying to punish Christie.

  2. The Sandy Aid Bill is chocked full of pork. The is more money spent in that bill for other things besides Sandy aid than for Sandy aid.
    Good thing to kill it.

  3. No it's not BS 11:06. FEMA is in dire need of reorganization starting with it's inflated budget, only which a small fraction is intended for disaster relief. Quite a bit is spent on grants for things such as million dollar fireboats (sound familiar) or for ATV's, hiring more firefighters (sound familiar), sponsoring 'seminar' and 'workshops' around the country so local officials 'will be prepared in the event of' a disaster. Probably close to 90% of it's budget is 'pork.' In reality FEMA is just another useless fed government agency that could be considerably downsized and the states and local gov't given the money to do the job that FEMA was intended to do but doesn't even come close.

  4. Guess again 11:06! Just a few examples of the pork include:

    150million for fisheries in Mississippi and Alaska

    8million for new vehicles for FEMA and other federal agencies

    4million for repairs at the Kennedy Space Center in Kentucky

    Over 300million to Amtrak and 2million for non hurricane related repairs to a Smithsonian building

    It's laden with pork and anyone with an ounce of responsiblity would vote against it.

  5. Andy, are you out there to vote no?
    I'm sure he will quell this one


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