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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Health Dept.: Flu Numbers Surpass 2009 Swine Flu

The flu outbreak is hitting Maryland and the rest of the country hard.

The flu epidemic continues to be a problem for the entire United States and in Maryland, where it has now reached the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's highest rating of widespread.

Patient First staffers said at some of their centers they're seeing twice as many people with the flu as they did last year. Almost all the patients have the same symptoms, including headaches, congestion and running nose.

Dr. Melissa Denham said this is a bad year for the flu.



  1. more fear mongering. MORE scary stuff. You people think the flu just showed up last week?? Millions of Americans have had the flu a couple of dozen times. It does kill some people, but so does a lot of other germ carried health concerns. Stop trying to sanitize everything. Nature CANNOT be stopped. Its kinda funny to me that with all the "GET YOUR FLU SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!" hysteria, that there is STILL an epidemic of the flu...how many strains of flu are there? About 7,000-8,000?? You WILL get sick, but if you are weak, you may die. Maybe. Where's the shot for THAT? Weaknness, that is....

  2. My biggest concern is how stubborn people are about going to the freaking doctor if you are sick. I know someone who refused to go to the doctor on a Monday. On Saturday he was sick enough that he finally gave in and went to the emergency room. They admitted him and he died Sunday morning. People if you are sick, please go to the doctor. Don't be stubborn and stupid. The choice you make could save your life.

  3. ESPECIALLY if you are part time or unemployed, or your employer just stopped offering ANY health care. Its NICE to be able to "go to the doctor" anytime you'd like. Not an option for a lot of people. But when life is rosy, its hard to understand how life REALLY is....its stupid "stubborn" people, not people deciding between a doctor visit and their kid's lunch. Or coat. Or dinner.

  4. Well said imclain.


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