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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gun Control For The Uninformed


  1. attention firearms owners, be sure to contact your representatives at the state and federal level to inform them of your support of the 2nd amendment, the libs will certainly be doing their worst as well...

  2. should we take cars away from everyone because cars kill? should we ban all alchol becase of drunk driving deaths? NO! it is the fault of the people.

  3. I suport the second amendment and I VOTE

  4. You are the minority 2:02. The second amendment has nothing to do with citizens armed like Seal Team 6. Get real, save our kids.

  5. 3:12 your obviously not very smart. WE ARE TRYING TO SAVE YOUR KIDS.
    From Feinstein and Obama, Clinton and Biden.... etc

  6. The Second Amendment has EVERYTHING to do with citizens being armed like Seal Team 6 to prevent runaway government.

  7. NO citizen can be armed like seal team 6. Anyone that suggests this premise is in need of some education.

  8. 3:59. Educate yourself on the differences between Military issued weapons, and the weapons available to civilians. The weapon that everyone is outraged about, was not even used in the CT tragedy, as reported by NBC, CNN, etc... and they even admit it.

    It is nobody's business what anyone uses their money for, what hobbies they take up, what TV they buy, car, how much they drink...etc. As long as they are abiding by the law. Would you tolerate a government who said you can own a car, but only the car they allow you to buy?

    Crazy people will do what they want, with whatever resources they can get a hold of. Look into the fact that Generation Y are being raised on medication that allows them to cause violence, whether it's a killing, beating or simple verbal abuse.

    Educate yourself before speaking for other people's property.

  9. 3:12 when you turn in your car I'll turn in my gun . Oh and you have to also turn in any thing else I think isn't safe.

  10. It's government of the people, by the people, for the people so citizens should have any armament that the government has with the possible exception of nuclear weapons.

  11. I love it when people like 3:12 illustrate so vividly how absolutely and totally ignorant they are of history and instead rely on really cool sounding statements that they THINK make a great sound-bite and slogan, but in fact, reveal their complete absence of ANY knowledge about the reasons for, and the history of, the Second Amendment. One more time, Forrest, the 2nd Amendment (THAT'S how IMPORTANT the Founding fathers thought it was; they made it the Second one they did, right after freedom of religion) was done for ONE PURPOSE ONLY and it is THIS --- pay attention now --- to allow the citizens to resist and overthrow a government that no longer SERVED them, but, instead, sought to subjugate them. Did they even tell you who Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams were when you were in school? Was history and critical thinking even part of the course work?? Or did they spend most of the time telling you how great you were, how smart you were, giving you meaningless awards, and doing their best to improve your self-esteem? And get off the "It's for our children! Our precious CHILDREN, for God's sake!" crap. The Constitution has protected the citizenry of this nation through greater troubles than this current HYSTERIA, despite efforts of uniformed lemmings to alter or erase whatever part they happen to disagree with at the moment. History books are available everywhere (at least for the time being). Try reading one of them instead of playing "Halo" or reading "Johnny has Two Dads".

  12. 3:12 where did you receive your brain damage.

  13. I really struggle to make any rational sense of this cartoon. Auto accidents and drunk driving are not directly intentional acts meant to inflict death. Using this twisted logic just put cancer and swimming pool drownings on the cartoon as well. Bullits Kill People.


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