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Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Governor Proposes Millions To Put AC In Schools

Governor Martin O'Malley's administration says $336 million in school construction funding and upgrades will be in the budget for the next fiscal year.

The governor made the announcement at Overlea High School in Baltimore County Monday.

The budget will include $325 million for the state's Public School Construction Program. That will include $25 million for air conditioning in schools.



  1. For 2 months out of each year. Is he nuts?
    Open windows, get fans!

  2. Get ready for summer/winter full year Daycare/School.

  3. @8:39 You're an idiot! You obviously have never taught in a non-air-conditioned classroom. I did it for 8 years and it was brutal. Some schools in this county have air-conditioning and some don't. There is no way that the students in schools without it are as focused, ready to learn, and perform as well as those with it. There were days when sweat was dripping off of me and all of my students. I bought fans for my classroom--notice the word I in that sentence. But, even with 4 of them, they only circulated hot air. Your other answer--open a window. That doesn't work when there is another part of the building blocking air flow through. Until you've walked in our shoes, you have no right to make your senseless comments.

  4. The government will probably put air conditioning in Bennett Middle and when it is torn down be thrown away
    with the building.

  5. C'mon, 12:04. How old are you? Has it suddenly become hotter in the summer than in years before? GENERATIONS of people (you know, the ones who went to school, went to war, GOT A JOB, and built this country??) went to un-airconditioned classrooms and seemed to have learned a LOT more than today's pampered youth. But I suppose fat people DO sweat more and there is NO denying that our nation's schools are full of lazy, fat, and spoiled sissies who have to attend summer school because they are too stupid to get it right in 8 fairly cool months. Tough it out. Besides THAT, as a teacher I hope you can do the math --- there is NO money for anything. But thanks for voting. What's next? Foot rests and cushioned seats? Refrigerators in the classrooms so Jaba the Hutt doesn't have to actually WALK very far to get another soda and honey bun?? And before you start puffing up, know that I stand up for teachers. Its the coddling and pampering of every whim and complaint that irks me. And others...

  6. @2:55... You have no idea what teachers deal with on a daily basis. Don't make it sound like it's a walk in the park. I would challenge you to be a teacher for one week and you'd see how truly ignorant you are.

  7. 3:57
    You're correct. Can't imagine what it's like working 9 months a year getting paid for 12 and spending most of my time sitting in the faculty lounge.
    Knock off the sanctimony. Been there and have done it. Teaching is a cake walk compared to real work.

  8. Thanks, 255, and I hope the message spreads! I can't add to what you said!

  9. @732. I don't know where and what you taught. But, it sounds like you are one of the types of people that give teachers a bad name. We get paid for 12 months only if we have our other paychecks reduced to allot for it. Other than that, we get paid for only 9 months. I can tell you that a 25 minute lunch and a 35 minute planning time hardly give plenty of time to sit in the teachers' lounge and relax. That time is used to grade papers, plan, make parent contacts, mentor, etc. I spend my lunch, planning time, and hours at home to get everything done for my job. Maybe if YOU would have been a better teacher, the rest of us wouldn't have such a bad reputation.

  10. Sorry, 3:57....I DO know what a teacher does....my wife was a highly popular & hardworking teacher. I DO understand how hard a teacher works. She did the job of a mother, cop, psychologist, benefactor (she spent HUNDREDS of dollars of OUR money to buy supplies and sometimes CLOTHES for kids, just like so many other teachers), but wasn't allowed to yell (can't intimidate any thugs --- don't hurt their feelings), touch, or even defend other students who were getting beat up by 3 gang bangers. It's NOT your job I'm criticizing--- its the quest to accomodate every single whining complaint from people (students) who have, so far in life, been GIVEN everything they have. And that attitude continues throughout their life, much to their detriment (and ours). Sometimes you gotta tell a kid "no". Man up. Tough it out. Life ain't easy, but school WILL be the easiest thing you've ever done. Practice those sentences and understand---I'm not even CLOSE to "ignorant". I paid attention in school, even when it was 90 degrees.

  11. Those of you who oppose air conditioning in schools are a bunch of ingnorant hucks.


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