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Sunday, January 13, 2013

George P. Bush Weighing Run In Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - George Prescott Bush is gearing up to run for a little-known but powerful office in a state where his family already is a political dynasty and where his Hispanic roots could help extend a stranglehold on power Republicans have enjoyed for two decades.

The 36-year-old Fort Worth attorney says he is close to settling on campaigning for Texas land commissioner next year. He doesn't expect to make up his mind until he knows what Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a fellow Republican, decides to do.

"We for sure are running, the question is the office," Bush told The Associated Press during the first interview about his political future since filing paperwork in November to seek elected office in Texas.



  1. I am a republican but i an FED UP with the bush family.

  2. Enough is enough with that family.

  3. Love the Bush Family -- they are honest and represent American Families. Enough said.

  4. 741 between 9/11 and the bush family this is why we are in the hole that we are in and obam is also to blame the whole world is going down the Shi rr.

  5. The Bush family has always given back to this country and they are to be admired for their continuous contributions.


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