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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Feinstein Rolls Out Proposal To Ban Assault Weapons

Flanked by law enforcement officials and facing victims of gun violence, Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Thursday announced that she is reintroducing a bill that bans more than 150 types of military-style, so-called assault weapons — the piece of President Obama’s gun-control agenda that faces the steepest climb through Congress.

The legislation bans the sale, manufacture, transfer and importation of more than 150 of the weapons. It provides exemptions for more than 2,200 hunting and sporting rifles; guns manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; and weapons used by government officials, law enforcement and retired law enforcement.

“It has to be done — the future of the nation is at stake,” Mrs. Feinstein, California Democrat, told reporters after a press conference on the bill, acknowledging it would be an uphill battle. “I think if the people in [a] red state want their representative to vote for this, they should weigh in and the representative should listen.”



  1. Miss Feinstein I have some bad news for you. I'm a regesterd Democrat I do not vote party lines and I do suport the second amendment. I belive in the right to bear arms and I will suport the NRA over any one that wants to strip GOD given rights away from good Americans.

  2. Thank goodness the second amendment is there to protect American's from her.

    When the local, state and federal Police and criminals give up theirs, I'll give up mine.
    No exemptions! No exceptions!

  3. “If 20 dead children in Newtown wasn’t a wake-up call that these weapons of war don’t belong on our streets, I don’t know what is.”

    I thought it was proven an assault weapon wasn't used in the Newtown shootings??

  4. 7:06 what would you say if someone killed 20 kids with a knives. What kind of wakeup call would you be preaching.

  5. Feinstein is just plain stupid. Basically she has no clue of what's going on. Let's see if she will venture into Chicago with no body guards and talk the gang members to put down their guns and be nice. Hell even Obama will not do that. Bottom line- arm yourself from drug dealers and the government.

  6. Wrong 9:00-she is not stupid. She knows that to complete the communist takeover, the citizens must be disarmed so there will be no resistance. Get prepared. There will be blood shed in the streets. Some of us will die defending what is left of our country.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    7:06 what would you say if someone killed 20 kids with a knives. What kind of wakeup call would you be preaching.

    January 24, 2013 at 7:25 PM

    How about all those kids that are killed when democrats like you and Liarton get behind the wheel after leaving Mojo's and crashing!

  8. Feinstein rejoiced to have an opportunity to once again haul out her gun grab bill. If anyone has a doubt as to the real purpose of disarming the citizenry read how Stalin confiscated guns in Russia--and the consequences for the citizens. And like Obamacare, GUESS WHO IS EXEMPT--thats right folks, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS.

  9. 1-25-13
    Fienstein should adhere to something she is an expert on, Homosexuality...

    Bob Aswell

  10. 7:06-I agree with you.How on earth has the assault rifle argument gotten this far,with so much momentum when an assault rifle was not even used in the Newtown massacre? It was left in the car but not taken inside and therefore not used.Specificity is not being adhered to in this situation because assault rifles are always implied by everyone who mentions Sandy Hill.I don't get it.

  11. 7:06 and 3:22 Answer: facts are not important to communists and fascists. A lie told enough by the media propaganda machine becomes a "truth" to the sheeple. Hitler and Stalin would be be totally envious of the super sophisticated and subtle propaganda machine our government controlled media is. But, there always is a minority, that God gave above average intelligence, that will not fall in line and give the "Zieg Heil" salute.

  12. Ah...."the future of our nation...." A new slogan!!! I might take a moment to remind her that America has assured the future of not only OUR nation, but that of most European nations and others all around the world. With guns. Stupid wench.


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